Please find below ClamAV performance statistics

In our recent *ClamAV Detection rate test*….

Sanesecurity signatures :            *97.11%*
SecuriteInfo  signatures (free) :  19.03%
ClamAV Official only signatures: 13.82%

Number of signatures:

Sanesecurity signatures :  *249,766*
SecuriteInfo (free)             :  1,110,596
ClamAV Only                      : 4,137,929

Date of oldest malware Sample in test : 06.01.2015
Date of newest malware Sample in test: 05.12.2015

Optimized Database means the db having leass no of signatures and can able
to give more malware detection rate

On 4 May 2017 at 17:05, Benny Pedersen <> wrote:

> crazy thinker skrev den 2017-05-04 13:28:
>> Hi ClamAV Developers, Users
>> To my curiosity, i want  to remove ClamAV Official Database and plan to
>> integrate unofficial database with clamav engine.. i heard that
>> Sanesecurity signatures increases  ClamAV  performance upto 90%..
> where did you read that ?
> so i am
>> thinking  that  excluding ClamAV Official Database not afffecting ClamAV
>> performance in this scenario. because. i guess Sanesecurity unofficial
>> database covers signatures which is covered by ClamAV Official Database..
> well if you do this you will shut your self in foots
> Am i right?
> nope
> The reason behind to do like this is  i  want to keep
>> optimized database
>> i would like to get  some suggestions/advices on my experimental  thought
> define a optimized database first
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