OK, so I've not used sockets before but with a little tweaking and a
lot of googling I've got it working and it appears to work really
well.  Thank you

Off to integrate it into the code now, or to tell someone else to do
it for me ;-)

Chris Johnson

On 2 November 2017 at 19:42, Kris Deugau <kdeu...@vianet.ca> wrote:
> Chris Johnson wrote:
>> I have on access scanning configured and we successfully run a script
>> when a virus is found.  This script allows us to make a log that the
>> file was scanned and a virus found.  However we'd also like to run a
>> script to make a log when the file has been scanned and no virus has
>> been found
>> there are 2 goals (and I accept there may be a different way of
>> achieving these.)
>> 1) Script are too fast
>> The files we're scanning get uploaded through a web form
>> On access scanning checks the file once uploaded
> You might do better to just integrate a call to clamdscan (note, not
> clamscan, which loads the virus DB on each call) with your upload script
> rather than rely on on-access scanning.  You're already more or less in
> control of when and where files actually get written to your local
> filesystem, where on-access scanning is usually intended for situations more
> like the conventional AV usage in Windows where files accessed by many
> processes with many origins all need to be scanned.
>> We put a 1 second pause in before checking for the (deleted) file and
>> this now works.  However the file might take longer than 1 second to
>> scan if its big or the server is busy.
> If scan speed is a concern, maybe something AJAXy to send feedback on the
> state of the upload (eg "Uploading", "Scanning", "OK"/"Virus found") rather
> than just stalling the main script while the scan runs.
> -kgd
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