On 3/20/2019 8:42 AM, Alessandro Vesely via clamav-users wrote:
> On Tue 19/Mar/2019 15:35:39 +0100 Bowie Bailey wrote:
>> ClamAV is taking about 2 1/2 minutes to reload its database on my mail 
>> server.  This
>> seems to frequently happen when we are sending an email, so the Thunderbird 
>> will time
>> out on the send (although the message will frequently go through anyway).
> The mail server should scan the message with the database at hand.  A forked 
> child can do the filtering while the parent reloads.  Upon loading, the child 
> exits and new messages will be scanned by the parent with the updated 
> database.

That would be ideal, but it doesn't seem to be happening that way.  If I look 
at my
logs, I see "SelfCheck", then "Reading databases", and at that point all 
stops until the "Database correctly reloaded" message 2 1/2 minutes later.

Is there a setting somewhere to allow scanning to continue with the existing 
processes while the reload happens?



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