> While I applaud the re-use of existing components, requiring this
> (minimum) version of libcurl will be a problem for redhat/centOS 7
> users: everybody is still on RHEL7 (RHEL8 is "just" released and still
> lacks support from many vendors).
> In RHEL/Centos, clamav is only packaged in EPEL, and EPEL packages
> will never include packages that the base OS also provides (in this
> case libcurl + libssh2 as a dependancy). This would mean that 0.102
> will never be available in RHEL7 (that is here until 2024).
> So, maybe a solution could be to include libcurl in the clam distro
> itself and build/use a static lib version of that (and not a shared
> .so) in case the OS-version of libcurl is not sufficient? If not, EPEL
> will never create an rpm for clamav 0.102, and that would leave a lot
> of existing users "in the cold" and force them into using an "old"
> version.


As has been stated numerous times, the minimum requirement for curl is
ONLY to build with the OPTIONAL argument for on-access scanning.

The ClamAV team is not responsible for 3rd party packages, if you want
a static libcurl built you would need to contact the PACKAGE
MAINTAINER. Which for RHEL appears to be a couple people.

Look at the changelog:

Sure, it can be done.... for RHEL 6 they built a static version of
zlib in the ClamAV package due to a bug with the OS version. But it is
up to YOU to tell THEM... i.e. on Redhat's Bugzilla...  Alternatively
now that you know exactly what feature is being used, instead of
building a full static version with clamav, you could request that
feature be backported into the existing curl package (as a different
route to achieve the same end-goal)...

Additionally, you *can* install the latest Curl from a 3rd party repo:


And if you want to add the repo to yum:


Ironic you are complaining about not getting a new version, when
almost all packages in a RHEL distro are frozen versions (ex: curl)
and merely receive backported bug fixes and features...

It's not hard to update curl, I already did it on my EL6 system. I
haven't updated ClamAV yet, I'm waiting for the stable release.


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