Ged, Ian, all:

Do try to be nice to each other.  It's very difficult to interpret tone over 
email or chat.  The clamav-users mailing list is generally a positive and 
uplifting community and I very much want folks to feel comfortable asking 
questions here.  Ged, you are kind of coming off as having a really bad day.  

If anyone coming off as irritable or hostile, please assume the best.  Please 
also make a strong attempt to be friendly and avoid sarcasm or criticism that 
might easily be misinterpreted as hostile.  

Ian, you've asked some very intelligent questions and I don’t think you 
deserved a reminder to RTFM.  Please don't hesitate to continue asking for 
advice or discussing your experiences with the tools.  Regarding your question 
about the behavior difference between scanning /tmp with clamdscan+clamd vs 
scanning /tmp with clamscan:  I may have missed something but I don't think I 
know enough context to answer your question.  Meaning I don't know what the 
differences are that you observed.


On 10/19/19, 1:59 PM, "clamav-users on behalf of G.W. Haywood via 
clamav-users" < on behalf of> wrote:

    Hi there,
    On Sat, 19 Oct 2019, Ian via clamav-users wrote:
    > This line of questioning is completely off-topic and unhelpful.
    If you say so.
    > Are you going to address why 'clamscan --tempdir /tmp /tmp' doesn't
    > produce the same behavior, that 'clamdscan /tmp' does?
    The clamd daemon has a man page which you should read.  It is, er, a
    daemon, which, when you start it, loads some databases and then sits
    and waits for something to send it things to scan against the loaded
    databases.  It can do a few other things too, like reload databases
    and report statistics, but basically it sits and waits for commands
    and data.
    The clamd daemon has its own configuration file.  It is usually called
    'clamd.conf'.  This has its own man page, which you should also read.
    The clamdscan tool has a man page which you should read.  Its use is
    generally to send stuff to the clamd daemon for scanning.
    The clamscan tool has a man page which you should read - it is about
    three times as long as the man page for clamdscan.  This is a stand-
    alone command-line tool and it does *not* use the clamd daemon to do
    the scanning (and the configuration file for the clamd daemon has no
    effect whatsoever on clamscan; you don't even need to have the clamd
    daemon installed to be able to use clamscan).
    Note carefully the differences between clamscan and clamdscan, which,
    although they have names differing only by one letter, behave in very
    different ways.
    Of course if you'd read the documentation as I've asked you to, you'd
    know all that already and you wouldn't be asking the question.
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