On 13.11.19 11:21, Chris Conn wrote:
I am trying to use the ClamdSocket tcp: and am successfully connecting to port 3310 of a clamd daemon on remote hosts to scan using clamav-milter.

The hostname I configured points to a pool

ClamdSocket tcp:mypool.mydomain.com

this resolves to 4 IP addresses

I am surprised to see that each server where I configured clamav-milter to connect to this multi-A record host, it seems to choose one and never connect to a different server. The TTL on the A record is 60 seconds, therefore I am guessing/hoping it is re-resolving it?

seems it's being resolved on startup. Docs say:

             This option can be repeated several times with different sockets
             or even with the same socket: clamd servers will be selected  in
             a round-robin fashion.

seems currently thebest way is using four different hosts.
maybe milter could be enhanced to use all addresses in pool for multihomed

So basically, one server gets utilize alot more instead of spreading the load over multiple servers.

In any case, is there another way I should be configuring this, or is this normal/expected behaviour?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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