Hi All,

eXtremeSHOK.com's clamav-unofficial-sigs download script has been updated:


Change Log

Version 7.0.1 (Updated 25 January 2020)

Disable yara project rules duplicated in rxfn.yara (Thanks @dominicraf)
    Incremented the config to version 91

Version 7.0.0 (Updated 24 January 2020)

    eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
    Added urlhaus database
    Added extra yararulesproject databases
    Added new linuxmalwaredetect yara file
    Automatic upgrades ( --upgrade )
    Added --upgrade command line option
    Option to disable automatic upgrades ( allow_upgrades )
    Option to disable update checks (allow_update_checks)
    Increase download time to 1800 seconds from 600 seconds
    os.conf takes preference over os.***.conf
    Warn if there are multiple os.***.conf files
    More sanity checks to help users and prevent errors
    Better output of --info
    Fix all known bugs
    Implement all suggestions
    Fixed yararulesproject database names
    Correctly silence curl and wget
    New linuxmalwaredetect logic
    New malwarepatrol logic
    Suppress --- and === from the logs
    Update the documentation / guides
    Increase minimum clamav version for yara rules to 0.100 or above
    Fix systemd.timer and systemd.service files
    More travis-ci tests
    Added os.alpine.conf
    Added debug options/mode to config
    Set minimum config required to 90
    Lots of refactoring and optimizing
    Only check for and notify about script updates every 12hours
    Incremented the config to version 90

Version 6.1.1 (Updated 02 September 2019)

    eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
    Update os.archlinux.conf, thanks @amishmm
    master.conf set default dbs rating to medium
    user.conf better suggested values
    Default to using curl, less logic required (lower cpu)
    force_curl replaced with force_wget
Fix: suppress all non-error output under cron/non interactive terminal Fix: check log file is not a link before setting permissions, only set if owned by root.
    Fix: failed to create symbolic link
    Fix: curl --compress ->> curl --compressed
    Minor enhancement to travis-ci checks
    Incremented the config to version 77

Version 6.1.0 (Updated 27 August 2019)

    eXtremeSHOK.com Maintenance
    Thanks Reio Remma & Oliver Nissen
    fail added to all curl commands
Fix: Missing logic for LOWMEDIUMONLY | MEDIUMHIGHONLY | HIGHONLY databases Support for either os.osname.conf or os.conf files (no more needing to rename the os.osname.conf to os.conf)
    Where possible replaced echo with xshok_pretty_echo_and_log
Refactor xshok_pretty_echo_and_log and make all notices styles consistent
    Silence output when run under cron
    add MAILTO=root to the generated cron file
    Add full proxy support for wget, curl, rsync, dig, host
    Better support for proxy config variables
New config variable: git_branch (defaults to master for the update checks)
    allow -w signature for quicker whitelisting
    Sanitize whitelist input string (Remove quotes and .UNOFFICIAL)
    Added Full support for Hash-based Signature Databases
User.conf is pre-configured with default options to allow for quicker setup
    Default sanesecurity and LinuxMalwareDetect to enabled
    Increase default retries from 3 to 5
    Ensure log file permissions are correct
    Better update comparison check, only notify if newer
    Incremented the config to version 76




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