On 31/01/2020 15:06, Michael Orlitzky via clamav-users wrote:
> On 1/31/20 2:47 AM, Steve Basford wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> eXtremeSHOK.com's clamav-unofficial-sigs download script has been 
>> updated:
>> https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs
>> Change Log
>> Version 7.0.1 (Updated 25 January 2020)
> Beware, as of a few versions ago this script is filled with a million
> unsafe uses of chown and chmod, running as root. The script should never
> be using chown/chmod in the first place, so all of these are wrong,
>   $ grep 'chown\|chmod' clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh | wc -l
>   40
> and many of them are exploitable if the clamav user swaps out one of the
> targets for a symlink pointing to e.g. /etc/passwd. And since the script
> runs on a predictable schedule, you have all the time in the world to do
> that.

True. This script should never be run as root, but as clamav user. Thus
chown would not be needed at all. Just as freshclam is run as clamav
user too.

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        Vladislav Kurz

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