> Date: Monday, March 30, 2020 18:09:53 +0000
> From: "Cheney, James via clamav-users" 
> Good morning, 
> I did the sudo apt install clamav-daemon on a test 16.04 instance
> and it worked perfectly! 
> This makes me think I've overcomplicated the centos & RHEL installs
> we've done. 
> When I ran sudo yum install clamav-daemon on RHEL 7.7, it failed
> with "No package clamav-daemon available."
> Is there a similarly easy way to install on RHEL & centos? 

On rhel/centos clamav isn't in the "base" repositories so you may
need to add another. I get mine from EPEL.

 On 3/26/20, 4:05 PM, 븢 ࠀ


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