Citeren Michael Orlitzky via clamav-users <>:

On 2020-08-21 04:45, Arjen de Korte via clamav-users wrote:

It is not clear to me what problem this patch intends to solve (for a
systemd service it is absolute not required from a security point of
view). The PIDFile should be writable by vscan user only anyway.

With a Type=forking service, systemd will send SIGTERM to the contents
of the PID file as root.

Not unconditionally. See the following from 'man 5 systemd.service':

   "The PID file does not need to be owned by a privileged user, but if it
    is owned by an unprivileged user additional safety restrictions are
    enforced: the file may not be a symlink to a file owned by a different
    user (neither directly nor indirectly), and the PID file must refer to
    a process already belonging to the service."

If the "vscan" user can put whatever he wants
in the PID file, then he can kill root processes.

See above: you're trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist.

Are you using the upstream systemd service?

No, we're using "Type=forking" since the clamd.service can take several minutes to start and we don't want to start services that depend on it before it actually finished starting up. Creating the socket beforehand is not a solution, as clamd won't start serving any requests until it has actually finished starting up.

It defaults to Type=simple, and runs clamd in the foreground.

See above. Actually, with this patch clamd wil always run in the foreground, as daemonizing is now completely broken. Up to and including 0.102.4, starting clamd on the commandline without any further options would just start the daemon and return. Now, it never returns.

In that case, your clamd daemon
shouldn't be creating a PID file at all -- systemd should take care of
it when it shoves the process into the background. PidFile should be
left unset in clamd.conf.

There is no PIDFile in the clamd.service file as systemd doesn't need that here (even when running as Type=forking). The same goes for freshclam.service. Systemd has other ways to keep track of which processes it has started and will not use the PIDFile unless you tell it to do so (with the above mentioned restrictions).


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