On Fri, 21 Aug 2020, Michael Orlitzky via clamav-users wrote:

> Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 10:18:42 -0400
> From: Michael Orlitzky via clamav-users <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
> To: clamav-users@lists.clamav.net
> Cc: Michael Orlitzky <mich...@orlitzky.com>
> Subject: Re: [clamav-users] ClamAV 0.103.0 release candidate - systemd
>     service start fails
> On 2020-08-21 09:38, Arjen de Korte via clamav-users wrote:
> >>
> >> However, systemd isn't the only service manager, and the problem still
> >> exists in all of the other ones. Systemd is able to avail itself of
> >> platform-specific features in brand-new Linux kernels. SysV init,
> >> OpenRC, and others must stick to real or de-facto standard tools, and
> >> there is no standard way to implement what systemd says they've done.
> > 
> > That may be, but now you have replaced it with two processes that run  
> > in the foreground, one of them as unpriviledged user and one as root  
> > (probably to delete the PIDFile upon exit). I don't consider this  
> > progress.
> > 
> The clamd process starts in the foreground, and then forks (a new
> process) to the background. The PID file should contain the PID of the
> forked process. No root process should be left running in the
> foreground; the service manager is in charge of cleaning up the file.
> >>
> >> That's fine, now you just need to synchronize the PIDFile and PidFile
> >> entries in your systemd service and clamd.conf, respectively.
> > 
> > No, as stated before, systemd doesn't need the PIDFile at all. It  
> > keeps track of the processes it started without the help of a PIDFile.  
> > It *can* use a PIDFile if you provide it with one and the only thing  
> > it will do with that is to remove that file if the service doesn't do  
> > it itself upon exit. Nothing more, it is not used for process control.  
> > There is absolutely no need for a PIDFile in the clamd.service, even  
> > with Type=forking.
> Systemd tries to guess the PID file with Type=forking when you don't
> provide one (the GuessMainPID option). Either way, systemd does need to
> know the PID file's location -- the only question is whether or not it's
> able to guess. Something isn't working, so to rule some things out, it
> might help to point it at the PID file manually.
> >> Well empirically that's not true, because it isn't working. Add PIDFile
> >> entries to your service files when using Type=forking, and synchronize
> >> them with the PidFile lines in clamd.conf and freshclam.conf.
> > 
> > Makes no difference at all. Even without using systemd, clamd doesn't  
> > daemonize anymore, it will always run in the foreground.
> How long have you waited for clamd to start? With git head (and only
> official signatures), it takes about 25 seconds here:
>   # time sbin/clamd
>   real        0m25.409s
>   user        0m0.005s
>   sys 0m0.005s
> but after that the process does indeed fork into the background. If it
> doesn't, maybe we're looking in the wrong place. The PID file also
> points to the correct (forked) process in my case:
>   # cat run/clamd.pid
>   7436
>   # ps ax | grep clamd
>   7436 ?        Ssl    0:25 sbin/clamd
[hubble:root]:(~)# service clamd stop
Stopping Clam AntiVirus Daemon:                                 [  OK  ]
[hubble:root]:(~)# time service clamd start 
Starting Clam AntiVirus Daemon:                                 [  OK  ]
30.00user 2.06system 0:32.07elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 
0inputs+0outputs (0major+500027minor)pagefaults 0swaps
[hubble:root]:(~)# clamdscan --version
ClamAV 0.102.4/25906/Fri Aug 21 15:10:42 2020
[hubble:root]:(~)# cat /var/lib/run/clamav/clamd.pid 
[hubble:root]:(~)# ps ax | grep clamd
32185 ?        Ssl    0:00 clamd
32344 pts/2    S+     0:00 grep --color clamd
[hubble:stock]:(~)# rpm -q -f /sbin/init

Robert M. Stockmann - RHCE
Network Engineer - UNIX/Linux Specialist
crashrecovery.org  st...@stokkie.net


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