Please keep your security software up to date.

If you don’t like ClamWin, we have ClamAV for Windows right on the website.  It 
doesn’t have the GUI that ClamWin does, (simply because we don’t have the 
development time to dedicate to it).

Really would love it if someone from the community would step up and take on 
this task.

Joel Esler
Manager, Communities Division
Cisco Talos Intelligence Group |

> On Feb 20, 2021, at 10:58 AM, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users 
> <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Sat, 20 Feb 2021, Charles Harbud via clamav-users wrote:
>> ... for the last 3 weeks Clamwin has not been able to update ...
> This mailing list is about ClamAV, and we do what we reasonably can to
> help its users, but you are not using ClamAV - you're using ClamWin:
> You might want to search my other posts for comments about ClamWin.
>> ... (Windows 2000, X32).
> Are you serious?  Windows 2000?  That's been EOL for more than a
> decade.  I shouldn't blame the ClamAV team if they'd _already_ dropped
> any and all signatures relating to Windows 2000 vulnerabilities.  As a
> Linux user I for one would view rather dimly the wasting of CPU cycles
> on scanning for such things.
>> The log says some (or all) the mirrors are down.
>> May I ask, has anything changed with them. ...
> What's changed is that everything before ClamAV version 0.100 is now
> obsolete and unsupported - just like your operating system.  It looks
> like you missed the announcement, which went to both the announcements
> mailing list and the ClamAV blog:
> My guess is that at best you're using some version of ClamWin based on
> what was, three years ago, ClamAV 0.99.4, which was recently obsoleted
> but appears to be the latest version available on the ClamWin Website.
> What you're doing doesn't make any sense to me, and I think it also
> makes you something of a threat to the rest of us on the Internet.
> Please do the decent thing and permanently disconnect your obsolete
> Windows 2000 system from the Internet.  Read AND FOLLOW the widely-
> available advice about securing computer systems, especially advice
> about keeping all your software patched for security issues.  If you
> need to use Windows 2000 for some legacy purpose, you need to make a
> special effort to keep it secure - well beyond just running ClamWin,
> and likely requiring substantially more effort and understanding than
> you seem to have devoted to security thus far.
> --
> 73,
> Ged.
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