Slight exaggeration, 2 years.

If you aren’t using a private safebrowing engine as shown in the blog post 
below.  Disable safebrowsing in your freshclam.conf.  A future version of 
Freshclam will help you with this. Don’t wait! Get rid of those 403’s today!

Sent from my  iPhone

On Mar 20, 2021, at 09:22, Joel Esler (jesler) <> wrote:

 We haven’t published an updated safebrowsing file in about 3 or 4 years.<>

Sent from my  iPhone

On Mar 20, 2021, at 00:21, Grant Taylor via clamav-users 
<> wrote:

On 3/19/21 9:11 PM, Bill Speidel wrote:
    thanks for the response...  i'm new to the clam users list...  i did see 
that the freshclam routine was pinging every 5 seconds after getting a 429 
error so i stopped freshclam...  then i waited several hours and tried again... 
 same 420 response...

I noticed that freshclam had problems when it tried to get safebrowsing.cvd and 
that it tried every five seconds for three or five times.  But it gave up 
relatively quickly and is falling back to it's regularly scheduled once an hour 

    the problem i see is that i don't know if it's my IP in particular, all of 
linode's IP addresses or a subnet...

My experience has been that Cloudflare has usually been good about per IP 
filtering vs per IP /block/ filtering.

    on the other hand if all of Linode is blocked then there's not much i can 

Per the freshclam.conf man page, it looks like the code's default is once every 
two hours.

I would hope -> expect that to be satisfactory.

Though comments in the man page say to check the safebrowsing file every 30 

Grant. . . .
unix || die


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