On 2021-05-04 20:19, Michael Wang wrote:
It seems that this should be a common question, but I did not find a
definite answer via Google search. I saw solutions to only scan files
in the last 60 days, but it is not difficult for a virus file to
change date, isn't it? I can think of to maintain hash table with file
name and its checksum, but looks like this should be a functionality
of the clamav itself. How do you do it? Just do a full scan every
time? Thanks.

fun part is that clamdscan needs root access, stupid

virus scanning must not be done as root user, else one knows why its unsecure on unpacking

already files stored as non root users can only be changed by same user if its malware, this includes change time stamps

as non root, isssue a touch malwarefile.exe, new upload

hope clamav team redo this insecure in clamdscan


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