> On 2 Jul 2021, at 6:06 pm, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users 
> <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Fri, 2 Jul 2021, James Brown via clamav-users wrote:
>> Trying to get the Google Safebrowsing python script to work. ...
>> It worked yesterday [...] But since then I get: [...]
>> 2021-04-08 14:33:46,539 DEBUG:googleapiclient.discovery:URL being requested: 
>> POST 
>> https://safebrowsing.googleapis.com/v4/threatListUpdates:fetch?key=AIwzaSyTheRestOfMyKeyc&alt=json
>> <https://safebrowsing.googleapis.com/v4/threatListUpdates:fetch?key=AIwzaSyTheRestOfMyKeyc&alt=json>
>> Can anyone help me with this?
>> I posted on the Issues page in GitHub but got no reply.
> It seems you're running on a Mac but you don't mention that in your
> mail.  In your mail, which AFAICT was sent on 2 July 2021, you say
> "It worked yesterday ..."
> yet the log gives the date at 8th April 2021 and your Github issue is
> from the same date.
> The posted log line which I haven't trimmed contains
> ...Updates:fetch?key=AIwzaSyTheRestOfMyKeyc&alt=json
> which looks like either you've redacted some of the text without
> telling us or you're sending an invalid request.  Either way, it
> appears that the request is being dropped by the server as the
> connection attempts (and retries) are failing.
> Perhaps you can clarify all the above.
> I should say that I haven't used safebrowsing since it was dropped
> from ClamAV's database servers in 2019; I've never tried to use the
> Python scripts.
> -- 
> 73,
> Ged.

Thanks for replying Ged.

Yes, running on macOS.

Yes I redacted some of the key in the URL.

Everything looks fine on console.cloud.google.com.

Just tried it again and it worked:

after the URL POST request the log continues with:

2021-07-02 19:03:42,442 DEBUG:UpdateClient:retrieving threats updates success
2021-07-02 19:03:42,445 INFO:UpdateClient:processing changes for 
2021-07-02 19:03:42,445 DEBUG:UpdateClient:processing 251 indice removals for 
2021-07-02 19:03:43,836 DEBUG:UpdateClient:rm 000464f4 :: 000464f4


Not sure what was causing the problem.

Glad it’s working now (for the moment anyway).

Thanks again for your help.



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