Hi there,

On Fri, 2 Jul 2021, James Brown via clamav-users wrote:
On Fri, 2 Jul 2021, James Brown via clamav-users wrote:
Just tried it again and it worked:

I spoke too soon. Just timed out again. Last log lines were:

So Google gets bored with me and hangs up?

Wouldn't surprise me (nor concern me) in the least, but that's just
between me and Google - largely because I see Google as the seccond
biggest problem on the Internet (at the moment, after Microsoft).

Very hard to work out what is going on when you only see one side!

If I wanted to delve into it more I'd probably record the conversation
e.g. with tcpdump and then look at it with Wireshark (although I'm not
sure what that will tell you that you don't already know).

FWIW when I was using safebrowsing I don't remember seeing it catch
anything in the mail stream here, so I didn't mourn its loss.




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