On 7/26/21 10:42 AM, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users wrote:
Hi there,

On Mon, 26 Jul 2021, Frans de Boer wrote:

On 7/26/21 9:41 AM, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users wrote:
Hi there,

On Sun, 25 Jul 2021, Frans de Boer wrote:

On 7/25/21 8:44 PM, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users wrote:
Hi there,

On Sun, 25 Jul 2021, Frans de Boer wrote:

I get things compiled etc., but testing clamd keeps on failing. ...
Any suggestion what data I can provide to find the cause of the failure?

The output from the tests would probably be a good start.

The output in TestLog.log

Here's your problem:

Received: /mnt/data/fdb-data/projects/linux/security/clamav/clamav-build/unit_tests/accdenied: Access denied. ERROR

Expected: /home/frans/tw/data/projects/linux/security/clamav/clamav-build/unit_tests/accdenied: Access denied. ERROR

Are you doing something clever with mount paths, or has the test
script just not noticed?

Nope, nothing 'clever' and doing it already for 20+ years without problem. The accdenied file does have the 'r' flag unset, so the error report is correct.

Then it looks like a problem in the test suite, which is complaining
that the expected paths aren't the same even though it's the same file
and the correct result for the file.  It seems clear that clamd itself
is working OK, I'd ignore it and file a report on Bugzilla.

Ok, thnx for your reply.


A: Yes, just like that                            A: Ja, net zo
Q: Oh, Just like reading a book backwards         Q: Oh, net als een boek 
achterstevoren lezen
A: Because it upsets the natural flow of a story  A: Omdat het de natuurlijke 
gang uit het verhaal haalt
Q: Why is top-posting annoying?                   Q: Waarom is Top-posting zo 


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