On 17/01/2022 15:14, Maarten Broekman via clamav-users wrote:

On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 9:53 AM Andrew C Aitchison via clamav-users <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net <mailto:clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>> wrote:

    On Mon, 17 Jan 2022, Nick Howitt via clamav-users wrote:

     > - not
     > have to install some uncommon download package and then download
    them. That
     > is making people jump through unnecessary hoops. I am not trying
    use a
     > segmented network and hosts can generally reach the internet. I
    just want to
     > be able to package the sigs in a v0.103.5 rpm for my distro in
    the same way
     > as EPEL does.

    Does the EPEL build system still work ?

    If cvdupdate is too obscure, you could use the freshclam program
    which you have just built for your package.

Andrew makes a good point here. Since you've built the freshclam program at this point, you can use it to download all the databases it would normally download and then package those. The downside of this is, of course, that the daily.cvd changes daily... which means the package would have outdated virus definitions almost immediately. And, if it gets too out of date, freshclam will end up downloading the entire file anyway. And, after 7 days, you'll see warning messages about outdated definitions when clam starts up.

Depending on how many hosts a typical ClearOS end-user has, they would probably want to set up a private mirror so that they don't have multiple systems behind the same IP address trying to grab the database files (and then getting rate-limited as a result).

Private mirror docs: https://docs.clamav.net/appendix/CvdPrivateMirror.html <https://docs.clamav.net/appendix/CvdPrivateMirror.html>
All I am saying is that EPEL package a set of sigs in the same way as I want to for ClearOS. The EPEL build system certainly works (although we don't use it at ClearOS) and produces packages for EL and 8 and is preparing for EL9.

The package is only meant for the ClearOS gateway for gateway AV functions if the gateway is running a proxy, for mail AV and for scanning the server (largely samba shares). It is not intended for use on LAN devices or to serve sigs to them.


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