Amy chance clammirror is no longer a supported method to download the database 
and I need to switch to another script as per:

On 9 Feb 2022, at 00:45, Roy Cohen <> wrote:


This is my first post asking for help so hopefully clear enough and abiding by 
the rules.

I am using ClamAV 0.103.0/26063 and I am trying to mirror updates using the 

/usr/local/bin/clamavmirror -w /var/spool/clamav-mirror -d 
/mnt/data/clamav-mirror/www -l /var/lock/subsys -r<> -a<> -u nginx -g nginx

The problem I have that the incremental updates aren’t being downloaded as I’m 
getting 403 on any update older than 28.1.2021 (see example output below).

Any idea why is my server blocked from receiving updates please ?



[+] Querying TXT record:<> 
pass: 1
=> Query returned: 0.103.5:62:26447:1644352140:1:90:49192:333
[+] Starting workers
=> Starting diff download worker: 1
=> Starting diff download worker: 2
=> Starting diff download worker: 3
=> Starting diff download worker: 4
=> Starting signature download worker: 1
=> Starting signature download worker: 2
=> Starting signature download worker: 3
=> Starting signature download worker: 4
=> Starting signature download worker: 5
[+] Checking signature version: main
[+] Checking signature version: daily
[+] Downloading cdiff: daily-26065
=> Update required local: 59 => remote: 62
=> Downloading signature: main
[+] Checking signature version: bytecode
 [+] Downloading cdiff: bytecode-332
=> Update required local: 331 => remote: 333
=> Downloading signature: bytecode
=> Download failed: bytecode code: 403
=> Download failed: main code: 403
=> Download failed: bytecode-332 code: 403
[+] Downloading cdiff: bytecode-332
=> Download failed: daily-26065 code: 403
[+] Downloading cdiff: daily-26065
=> Download failed: daily-26065 code: 403
[+] Downloading cdiff: daily-26447
=> Download failed: daily-26447 code: 403
[+] Downloading cdiff: daily-26447
=> Download failed: daily-26447 code: 403
[+] Downloading cdiff: daily-26447
=> Download failed: daily-26447 code: 403
[+] Downloading cdiff: daily-26447
=> Download failed: daily-26447 code: 403
[+] Downloading cdiff: daily-26447
=> Download failed: daily-26447 code: 403
=> Workers done processing queues
[+] Updating dns.txt file
=> No update required L: cabcc12a2172b0a18c120e51a985e41a => R: 


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