> >>> Is there a command that can make a running freshclam daemon do an
> update
> >> request instantly?
> >>
> >> SIGUSR1, assuming it's compiled with it enabled.
> >
> > Yes thanks, I was already trying with this command
> >
> > kill -s SIGUSR1 $(pidof freshclam)
> >
> > However it gets the wrong pid from the container environment where I
> have these processes listed
> >
> > clam     4051769 4051758  0 16:27 ?        00:00:00 [freshclam]
> <defunct>
> > clam     4051770       1  0 16:27 ?        00:00:04 freshclam -d
> >
> > If I start freshclam -d in the docker testing environment I do not have
> this first proces '[freshclam] <defunct>'. Any idea what this can be?
> Often what happens when a daemon starts up is that the parent forks a
> child with the right permissions etc. and the parent then exits. 

Ok so maybe this code is a bit buggy currently? Because I am using freshclam as 
unpriviledged user.

> This
> can leave a defunct process until it's cleaned up.  There's no need to
> worry about it.  The PPID (parent process ID) of the child will be the
> PID of the parent until the parent exits, but after that the PPID of
> the child is the PID of the 'init' process (or whatever passes for the
> 'init' process on your system - systemd?) which will usually be PID 1.

Thanks for explaining :) It is just a bit annoying when it is there and pidof 
is not working, nothing more.

> I have no experience with managing processes in Docker, but there's an
> optional 'PidFile' directive in the freshclam configuration file from
> which you might get the number you need if you configure freshclam to
> write it there.
> Alternatively, as Mr. Aitchison suggested, you could start freshclam
> whenever you want it to update and let it terminate.  So instead of
> running it as a daemon you might for example want to run it from cron.

I prefer to stick as close as possible to one process per container and have as 
little processes as possible. Having to execute systemd run level commands 
means I need to get a container shell, and I am just to lazy to do that. ;)

> Why do you need to do this?  Most people seem to be happy enough with
> a couple of updates per day, and if you hit the CDN too hard you could
> easily find yourself blacklisted.  I recommend that you let freshclam
> do what it's designed to do.  It's pretty good at it.

I am just testing the proxy access when the ip address has changed when the 
task is restarted. It is fine for production. Although the defunct could 
generate a false positive on monitoring.


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