On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 1:53 PM G.W. Haywood via clamav-users <
clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> wrote:

> Hi there,
> On Tue, 15 Mar 2022, Laurent S. via clamav-users wrote:
> >> using Yara's engine in clamav directly is something that has been
> >> brought up time and again. It is possible. My understanding is that
> >> the reason ClamAV's yara support isn't done this way is that it
> >> would require a second pass over the file with a Yara's pattern
> >> matcher, after ClamAV's pattern matcher, and that the performance
> >> concern made it make more sense to try and load yara rules into
> >> ClamAV's matcher instead.
> Speaking selfishly I wouldn't be greatly inconvenienced by an increase
> in the scan times (even if it doubles) caused by separating the Yara
> engine from the ClamAV engine.  That's because I only scan mail, and
> the clamd server is well on top of it.  I can understand that people
> who scan filesystems might have a different point of view; maybe both
> could be accommodated with a config option.

Anything that increases scan times would be prohibitive for me. We use
ClamAV to scan around a billion files per day and the primary thing
stopping us from using Yara is the increase in scan times.

> >> I honestly don't have any numbers to back up this argument. It

>> sounds reasonable, but I'd love to see the numbers.
> I occasionally run more than one clamd instance and I've seriously
> considered running a separate one purely so that that Yara rules are
> kept separate from the rest.  I always log scan times.  It will be a
> bit fiddly, but when I get a minute I'll set something up to try to
> give you some numbers.
We run multiple clamd instances specifically to load different sets of
signatures for different purposes.

For example, if we have instance 1 with very specific signatures and
instance 2 with more general signatures and instance 3 with ClamAV / 3rd
party signatures, we would first scan against instance 1 and, if we don't
get a match, we then scan against instance 2 and, if still no match,
against instance 3.

> > One big reason I like to use ClamAV is that it's possible to add
> > other sources of signatures. Lots of people use the sanesecurity
> > ones. I add a lot of my own.
> +1
For us, the attraction is the ease of creating our own signatures more than
the 3rd-party signatures, though 3rd-party signatures are a definite plus.

> Finally, unashamed repetition:
> (1) a plea for a way to test rules before they go live;

This is relatively straightforward to do on your own (save the signatures
in a temp location, create a file with something that you know will match,
and scan to make sure it is detected), so the fact that it's not built-in
is a bit confusing.

> (2) another plea for a parser which is good at its job;
> (3) a way to specify that a rule is to match in
>     (a) mail headers only or
>     (b) mail body only or
>     (c) both;

This would be awesome for mail, but also for any file that has
differentiated parts. It would be great to have a better macro style that
would allow you to combine multiple signatures to produce a different
classification (sort of like logical signatures, but with the ability for
each sub-signature to hit different filetypes).

and lastly
> (4) it would be great to have a way to reload rulesets separately so
> it isn't necessary to reload ten million signatures when you've only
> added one Yara rule, only then to find clamd crashes the first time it
> tries to scan anything because you broke that rule.  I understand this
> might be asking a lot, and a decent parser which prevents attempts to
> load garbage rules (point 2) would do a lot to alleviate this pain.

100% this. Having the ability to load a diff rather than the complete
database would be an enormous boon.


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