G.W. Haywood via clamav-users wrote:
Hi there,

On Mon, 21 Mar 2022, Kris Deugau wrote:

TBH I'd prefer if Clam *did* continue, just skipping malformed rules
(and also whinging loudly in the log).

I could live with that if it didn't *also* crash.

Either would be better than just exiting (it's not a hard *crash*,
it's "just" refusing to load a file with a malformed signature -
including things like entirely blank lines).

No, Kris.  It *is* a hard crash - and it doesn't happen when it loads
the rules, it happens when it tries to scan something *after* loading
a Yara file which contains a bad rule.  Not neccessarily any bad rule,
just one with any of a number of different kinds of badness which I've
found to be problematic.  But as I said in my mail things may well be
different as a result of Micah's August PR.  TBH I really haven't been
inclined for quite some time to crash clamd on purpose. :)

Sorry, didn't see that, figured you were talking about the joy of finding all those subtle little rules defining a well-formed signature To date I haven't managed to trip whatever bug(s) bit you, although I *have* found relatively simple signatures that should have matched but didn't.

I *have* pushed out "malformed" "signatures" (AKA "signature files with a blank line or two at the end") that caused the production clamd instances to shut down... after which I spent some time adding validation to the SVN commit hook, and writing a local editing wrapper to help make sure signatures were valid before committing.



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