Kris Deugau wrote:
I went to load a semi-bookmarked page for signature writing (, but it failed and kept reloading Cloudflare's "security check" voodoo.

ClamAV's site works for me, using SeaMonkey 2.53.14 - I'd been looking at those pages before sending my earlier reply.  It seems to be affected by Edit > Preferences > Advanced > HTTP Networking.  I usually have that set to just identify as SeaMonkey.  With it set to identify as SeaMonkey and advertise Firefox compatibility, I see the looping effect you describe (at least when I enable Javascript, which is usually blocked by NoScript).

Thanks! I don't even recall that setting, might be worth my time to trawl through everything and see what's new.

*rolls eyes at browser-sniffing* Now to see what *other* sites break after changing that setting... And maybe install a browser identifier plugin set to $firefox-recent. *sigh*


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