On Sun, 2006-08-20 at 18:12 -0700, Casey Marshall wrote:
> > Since this finally cleans up the target layer stuff I would like this to
> > go in now and then we build on this for your further improvements to NIO
> > and the socket timeouts. OK?
> OK. Since I'm working off of cvs head I'm probably queering up the diffs
> and history; is there any issue with me overwiting some of these
> changes, not necessarily building off of them?

No, certainly not. Just do make sure to test early and often :)
For timeouts you might want to look at the new failing omg/corba tests
that seem to happen with guilhem's rewrite. Those are regressions, so we
should fix them.

> Since this cleans up stuff beyond javanet, I'd like to see it committed.

OK, committed.



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