Hi Roman, Audrius,
I have tested it with Blackdown JDK 1.4.2, and JamVM 1.4.2 + GNU Classpath
0.92. The output formatting(indent and newlines) is tricky, but I tried to
keep as close to the RI as possible. CP 0.92 does not have all the tags
yet, but looks to be ok. I have not tried Mauve/testlets before, so I will
probably have some reading up to do(any good sources?). Other than that, I
will also need to fix the code formatting and add more comments! ;)
                                                      David Fu.

> Hi Fu,
>> Hi Mark,
>> Just finished javax.swing.text.html.HTMLWriter, can you commit it for
>> me?
>> Thanks! ;)
> The code looks good. Maybe you could fix the following points, then it
> would be even better:
> - Add (extensive ;-) ) comments to the class and to each method/field
> etc. This makes the code more readable and allows others to better
> understand what's going on, just in case somebody else needs to fix
> something in there. For API comments follow these guidelines:
> http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/javadoc/writingdoccomments.html
> - For instance, this:
>     /** Writes all the attributes in the attrSet, except for attrbutes
> with keys of HTML.Tag, StyleConstants or HTML.Attribute.ENDTAG.
>      */
>      protected void writeAttributes(AttributeSet attrSet) throws
> IOException
> should be written like this:
>     /**
>      * Writes all the attributes in the attrSet, except for attrbutes
>      * with keys of HTML.Tag, StyleConstants or HTML.Attribute.ENDTAG.
>      *
>      * @param attrSet <description of param>
>      *
>      * @throws IOException <condition for exception>
>      */
> - Format your code to break lines after 79 chars
> - Generally, you should follow the GNU coding style:
>   if (condition)
>     { // <--- 2 spaces indent.
>       bla(); // <-- 2 more spaces indent.
>     }
> etc. Refer to
> http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/docs/hacking.html#SEC6 for more
> details.
> That said, I haven't yet tried out the actual code. Have you used test
> programs during your development? Maybe they could be added as Mauve
> tests or added as a small demo (as part of our Swing demo) that
> demonstrates that this class works?
> Thank you, Roman

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