I've been trying to compile Classpath for some time now, but it failes
every time.  I'm using JDK 1.2 to compile the java classes, and it
failes every time.  Is this a know problem?  How to I work my way
around it?

I get messages like this:

  gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/Test.java:63: Can't assign a second value to a
  blank final variable: img 
      } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { img = null; }
  gnu/javax/swing/plaf/gtk/SliderTest.java:69: Wrong number of arguments
  in method. 
  ./java/security/SecureRandom.java:261: The method int next(int)
  declared in class java.security.SecureRandom cannot override the
  method of the same signature declared in class java.util.Random.
  The access modifier is made more restrictive.
  protected final int next(int numBits)
##>  Petter Reinholdtsen  <##  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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