Dunno if this will help right now (I haven't built in a month or so), but
try downloading Jikes
(http://oss.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/jikes/project/) and
compile using that.  That is what I used last time.

You will notice that it compiles *many* times faster than Sun's javac.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 1:46 PM
Subject: classpath from CVS

Hi folks,

OK, I have classpath configured now (thanks Tom).

However, when I try to build, I ran into problems.  I have documented
them below, in case they would be of help.

OK, I gather that Classpath is certainly not on general release.  At
the momment, I am working on JVMs more than class libraries.  I don't
mind putting in a bit of work to get it going but there is little
point in plaguing this list with my problems if I can wait a while
for it to settle down before jumping on board.

Should I wait?  Do you folks have plans for a beta release in the pipeline?

Thanks again for your help,

Chris Dornan

--------------- classpath build probs ---------------

[Again, I am building a CVS checked-out source tree, pointing
`with-java' at a JDK 1.2.1 `java'.]

1) When it does a `javac' on all the .java files I get some compiler errors:

   a) java/lang/String.java:86: Invalid expression statement.

       and the file contains:

         public String() {
           value = new char[0];


       Does enyone know why it has this?

    b)  nu/java/awt/image/ImageDecoder.java:40: Missing term.
           cm =

        the file contains:

              String endian = System.getProperties ().getProperty
                if (endian == null)
                  cm =

        It looks as if some preprocessing step has substituted a null string
        where it shouldn't have.

    c)  java/awt/Image.java:23: Package java.awt.image not found in import.
           import java.awt.image.*;

        I get many, many of these messages.  Is this because I am running a
        recenct, fussy, JDK 1.2.1 java.

    d) /gnu/japhar-0.08/bin/javah --jni --classpath
.:/gnu/japhar-0.08/share/classes.zip java.io.File
             java/lang/ClassNotFoundException (com.sun.tools.javah.Main)

       Hmnn, it is running japhar now?

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