Brian Jones wrote:
> "Ian D. Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > FYI, I'm working on a new build scenario, where each class is compiled
> > individually, ordered based on dependencies.
> I'm sorry, I don't see how this is any different compared to kjc or
> jikes which do the dependency ordering for you given any simple list
> of class files.  Turn on the verbose flag for jikes to see if it is
> doing something while it is "locked up" in lib/

That's fine when compiling from scratch.  However make must figure out
for itself when dependent classes must be recompiled:

public class A {
  public static final int a = 1;

public class B {
  public int b() {
    return A.a;

If A is modified, B must be compiled.  Do jikes and kjc know to rebuild

Jeff Sturm

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