> I ran into a problem when compiling with Jikes.  I had set the
> environment variable BOOTCLASSPATH to Sun's rt.jar, so that I could use
> jikes as a dropin replacement to javac, without specifying -classpath,
> for regular Java files (ie. not from the Classpath project).  When I
> back went to compile Classpath, this sucked in files from rt.jar when
> they didn't appear in Classpath, and gave me a clean compile even though
> I was expecting failure (because I referenced java.util.regex, which is
> not yet in Classpath).
> Someone with a little more autoconf knowledge than me should figure out
> how to make the default command-line arguments to Jikes include an
> explicit -bootclasspath to override any environment variable.  The
> cleanest way to guarantee that Jikes is only compiling Classpath files,
> and not mixing in some other library because of the environment, is to
> compile with these flags:
> jikes -bootclasspath '' -extdirs '' -sourcepath '' -classpath <path to
> all Classpath files> @classes

How should we build Classpath without regex?


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