Stuart Ballard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Good news - the just-released experimental japitools-0.9.1 appears to
> be able to japize 1.4 just fine. I imported the source for
> jode.bytecode and jode.util into the japitools source itself, removed
> the jode jarball, converted the "" files into plain java by
> hand, and removed the version check, and it seems to work (I made all
> the changes blind and untested on my crappy personal computer and just
> ran it once on my work computer). Results of comparison will be up
> shortly and it will be added to the nightlies from tonight onwards.

Good news indeed!  I'm not likely to make the necessary changes until
the first week of Dec. because I'll be out of town.  Still trying to
find a nice place to put these on the FSF web server outside of CVS.


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