> So, my proposal is:
> (1) Throw NotYetImplementedError extends Error (or LinkageError?)
> (2) Document clearly that users of Classpath SHOULD NOT catch this 
> exception, but use System.getProperty("gnu.classpath.version") instead.
> (3) Document, in the VM interface, that such property should be set, of 
> course.

If no user is allowed to catch this new error/exception, why are we going
to the bother of creating it in the first place??

If the only reason for creating the new exception is as a documentation 
aid, then a better approach would be to throw UnsupportedOperationException
with a stereotypical error message and or stereotypical javadoc description.

I think it is unreasonable to expect application developers to know
which features where unimplemented / implemented in which versions
of Classpath.  IMO, this far more awkward than catching an exception.

-- Steve

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