
What me everytime wonder is, that GNU Classpath have not its own VM.

To show the situation so, like I see it:
Suns Java comes as a complete package, which includes the Classes _and_ the JVM. Mono comes as a complete package, which includes the .net-classes and the mono-runtime.

Only with GNU Classpath it looks a little bit different.

At first the developer changed the GNU Classpath code on any JVM, so that is no longer compatible to the old one. So, when a new GNU Classpath version is released, there existing at first, no JVMs on which it can run.

After the release, the first JVMs are using the new Classpath version in its CVS. And later some using the new one. And some are being on older one (GCC-20050909 used still 0.17; SableVM used still 0.16 in CVS)

From the new versions, which use 0.17 or 0.18, I can either not compile it
or it (like JamVM), or it have problems with AWT and Swing (IKVM).
And a CVS-version of Kaffe I have not tried. But Kaffe 1.1.5 don't run Swing programs on my computer.

So I asked myself, what JVM does the GNU Classpath developer use?
They can not use a JVM, which still have a old version of GNU Classpath (like SableVM or Gcj).

And I don't understand, why GNU Classpath comes not with its own JVM.
Other JVMs can then always later bringing GNU Classpath to its own JVM.
But at first it need a JVM as basis.

And it is not so, that GNU Classpath includes only the platformindependent parts. The native libs like gtkpeers.so are existing, too. Why not then additionaly having the own JVM, which is then the standard JVM for GNU Classpath?


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