Robert Schuster wrote:

And a CVS-version of Kaffe I have not tried. But Kaffe 1.1.5 don't run
Swing programs on my computer.

For a long long time Kaffe developed its own class library. These days Dalibor
is applying Classpath' patch flood into Kaffe's library to keep the projects in

However the long term goal for Kaffe is supporting Classpath out of the box,
too. But this needs some time because IMHO Dalibor is the only one working on 

<insert obligatory "Volunteers! Volunteers! Volunteers!" imitation of Steve Ballmer>

Missing bits and pieces:
String (yay, same as gcj. May be really hard. ;)
java.lang.reflection (hard in a way, easy in a way. Hard since GNU Classpath has almost no code for it, so it'll be easy to merge in Kaffe's implementation. Volunteers!) (easy to do by switching completely over, but then the performance is going to suffer extremely on the interpreter on slower CPUs. Otoh...less work for me, and more pressure on people to write/fix jits. Hmm... ;)

14 files in total, afaict. It may even be possible to use GNU Classpath out of the box now by playing around with -Xbootclasspath and -Djava.library.path, but I have not tried it. Busy preparing the next release. ;)

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