Hi there,

I have added my slides from FOSDEM2006 to the Wiki at:


I simply have dropped in into the schedule.

I had to make some slight corrections: JTable and JTree editing seems to
work quite well now, and - what surprises me even more - copy and
pasting seems to just-work as well. Robert has done the work to make
text selection possible. Yesterday I tried and hit CTRL+C inside a Swing
text field and CTRL+V inside GEdit and it works. This really put me off
my socks... :-)

However, I would like to encourage everybody who made a presentation to
upload his slides and/or other material to the Wiki as well. I found
everything that I've seen really interesting and would like to read over
it again. Of course, it would also be nice for those who couldn't come.

This was a great weekend!
Cheers, Roman

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