>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew John Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Tom> We need to declare war on stubs.  They improperly inflate our japi
Tom> scores and blind us to the real state of Classpath.  Also I seem to
Tom> keep running into them as I dig around :-(

Andrew> My gut instinct would be to remove them all, and really show
Andrew> up where we at, in order to motivate people to work on these
Andrew> things that appear implemented.

While tempting, I think this is too big a hammer for this problem.
I'd rather we not break anything that currently works -- whether it is
programs that run poorly, or even programs that currently compile (eg
where we may rely on a program not using some of the stubs).

Having a list of stubs would be a good start.  The ones I fixed this
weekend I ran across by chance; I had no idea we had stubs in AWT at

I like David's idea of a STUB comment.


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