Francis Kung wrote:
Hi Christian, Roman,

How can I run the benchmarks?  I'd like to run it with CACAO.

From your classpath directory (/usr/local/classpath/share/classpath by
default) you can invoke it using "cacao

Yeah sure, most of the work is done in native code, so it doesn't really
matter if the VM is an interpreter, completely compiled or jit.

I was talking to fitzsim yesterday, and we also figured that it was
down to Cairo.  I spent a bit of time trying to install cairo with
glitz, to see what the improvement would be, but had no luck.

I talked with Carl Worth about this yesterday. To test this, we'd need a Graphics that could draw to a GL surface, and we'd need to build Cairo and glitz from source. A "GLGraphics" may be something we need in the future, but for now the released versions of Cairo do not have glitz support and won't until glitz commits to a stable API, which hasn't happened yet.

Even so, I think our graphics backend should be much faster without us needing to draw directly to a GL surface. It may be worthwhile to write a Cairo benchmark that performs the same operations as J2dBenchmark to see how far off our Java implementation is from the theoretical best native implementation. Such a benchmark would also allow us to test fastpath optimizations easily. We'd need a set of benchmarks for each of the Cairo surfaces we draw to.


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