Hi Anne,

Thanks for replying.

Attaching the file for the relevant duration.


On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 2:34 PM, Anne Boffey <anne.bof...@metaswitch.com>

> Hi Nishank,
> A 408 Request Timeout could be coming from Clearwater (because its
> requests upstream are timing out) or from Zoiper (because its requests to
> Clearwater are timing out).
> To help tell which is the case, could you turn on debug logging on Bono, by 
> following the steps here:
> http://clearwater.readthedocs.io/en/stable/Troubleshooting_and_Recovery.html#bono
>  and see if the SIP INVITE and 408 appear in Bono’s logs.
> Then if you reproduce the problem, and send us the logs from the time of the 
> reproduced problem (the logs are in /var/log/bono/bono*.txt) we can take a 
> look at those and see if that shows where the problem is.
> Thanks,
> Anne.
> _______________________________________________
> Clearwater mailing list
> Clearwater@lists.projectclearwater.org
> http://lists.projectclearwater.org/mailman/listinfo/clearwater_lists.
> projectclearwater.org
21-08-2018 10:01:25.608 UTC [7ffb047f0700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:587:;transport=TCP has state: WHITE
21-08-2018 10:01:25.608 UTC [7ffb047f0700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:587:;transport=TCP has state: WHITE
21-08-2018 10:01:25.608 UTC [7ffb047f0700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:883: Added a 
whitelisted server to targets, now have 1 of 1
21-08-2018 10:01:25.608 UTC [7ffb047f0700] Debug sip_connection_pool.cpp:154: 
Successfully resolved icscf.sprout.clearwater.local to IPv4 address
21-08-2018 10:01:25.608 UTC [7ffb047f0700] Verbose pjsip:  tcpc0x3d1ab38 
21-08-2018 10:01:25.608 UTC [7ffb047f0700] Verbose pjsip:  tcpc0x3d1ab38 TCP 
client transport created
21-08-2018 10:01:25.608 UTC [7ffb047f0700] Verbose pjsip:  tcpc0x3d1ab38 TCP 
transport is connecting to
21-08-2018 10:01:25.608 UTC [7ffb047f0700] Debug sip_connection_pool.cpp:224: 
Created transport tcpc0x3d1ab38 in slot 37 ( to
21-08-2018 10:01:25.619 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose pjsip:  tcpc0x3d1ab38 TCP 
transport is connected to
21-08-2018 10:01:25.619 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug sip_connection_pool.cpp:317: 
Transport tcpc0x3d1ab38 in slot 37 has connected
21-08-2018 10:01:29.094 UTC [7ffb288ad700] Status alarm.cpp:244: Reraising all 
alarms with a known state
21-08-2018 10:01:29.094 UTC [7ffb288ad700] Debug alarm.cpp:303: AlarmReqAgent: 
queue overflowed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.094 UTC [7ffb288ad700] Status alarm.cpp:37: sprout issued 
1005.1 alarm
21-08-2018 10:01:29.094 UTC [7ffb288ad700] Debug alarm.cpp:303: AlarmReqAgent: 
queue overflowed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.094 UTC [7ffb288ad700] Status alarm.cpp:37: sprout issued 
1012.3 alarm
21-08-2018 10:01:29.094 UTC [7ffb288ad700] Debug alarm.cpp:303: AlarmReqAgent: 
queue overflowed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.094 UTC [7ffb288ad700] Status alarm.cpp:37: sprout issued 
1013.3 alarm
21-08-2018 10:01:29.838 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: sip_endpoint.c 
Processing incoming message: Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x3f51dc8)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.838 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose 
common_sip_processing.cpp:87: RX 986 bytes Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 
(rdata0x3f51dc8) from UDP
--start msg--

INVITE sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6510dfc0584fdd17-1---d8754z-
Max-Forwards: 70
Contact: <sip:6505550288@;transport=UDP>
To: <sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP>
From: <sip:6505550288@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP>;tag=d2855c60
Content-Type: application/sdp
Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, X-cisco-serviceuri
User-Agent: Z 3.3.25608 r25552
Allow-Events: presence, kpml
Content-Length: 161

o=Z 0 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 8000 RTP/AVP 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15

--end msg--
21-08-2018 10:01:29.838 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjutils.cpp:1882: Logging SAS 
Call-ID marker, Call-ID NTAxODE3ZjA5OWJkMzI3ZjFiMzEyMGE1NzA3ZDJmMWU.
21-08-2018 10:01:29.838 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:568: 
Received message 0x3f51dc8
21-08-2018 10:01:29.838 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:585: 
Admitted request 0x3f51dc8
21-08-2018 10:01:29.838 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:620: 
Incoming message 0x3f51dc8 cloned to 0x7ffaf401c888
21-08-2018 10:01:29.838 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:639: 
Queuing cloned received message 0x7ffaf401c888 for worker threads with priority 0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.838 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 0 for 0x3947a58
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 0 for 0x3947ad0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug utils.cpp:872: Added IOHook 
0x7ffb02fecdf0 to stack. There are now 1 hooks
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:181: 
Worker thread dequeue message 0x7ffaf401c888
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:186: 
Request latency so far = 216us
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: sip_endpoint.c 
Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7ffaf401c888)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:139: home 
domain: true, local_to_node: false, is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, 
prefer_sip: true, treat_number_as_phone: false
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:173: 
Classified URI sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP as 4
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:235: Proxy RX request
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjutils.cpp:727: Cloned 
Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7ffaf401c888) to tdta0x7ffaf8088500
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:775: Request received 
on non-trusted port 5060
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:1017: Perform access 
proxy routing for INVITE request
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:139: home 
domain: false, local_to_node: false, is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, 
prefer_sip: true, treat_number_as_phone: false
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:173: 
Classified URI 
 as 5
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjutils.cpp:537: Found Route 
header, URI = 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:1154: Message 
received on non-trusted port 5060
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug flowtable.cpp:111: Find flow 
for transport udp0x3cfab70 (1), remote address
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug flowtable.cpp:577: Dialog 
count now 2 for flow sip:6505550288@clearwater.opnfv
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug flowtable.cpp:125: Found flow 
record 0x7ffaf806e200
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:1206: Message 
received on known client flow
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:1224: Request has no 
P-Preferred-Identity headers, so check for default identity on flow
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjutils.cpp:489: Adding 
P-Asserted-Identity header: sip:6505550288@clearwater.opnfv
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:1293: Routing initial 
request from client to upstream Sprout
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:139: home 
domain: true, local_to_node: false, is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, 
prefer_sip: true, treat_number_as_phone: false
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:173: 
Classified URI sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP as 4
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:924: Request received 
on authentication flow - check for Service-Route
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjutils.cpp:302: Served user 
from P-Asserted-Identity header
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Verbose bono.cpp:931: Found 
Service-Route for served user sip:6505550288@clearwater.opnfv - 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Info bono.cpp:994: Route request to 
upstream proxy 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:139: home 
domain: true, local_to_node: false, is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, 
prefer_sip: true, treat_number_as_phone: false
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:173: 
Classified URI sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP as 4
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:139: home 
domain: false, local_to_node: false, is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, 
prefer_sip: true, treat_number_as_phone: false
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:173: 
Classified URI 
 as 5
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjutils.cpp:537: Found Route 
header, URI = 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:1415: Add record 
route header(s)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:1420: Message 
received from client - double Record-Route
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjutils.cpp:578: Added 
Record-Route header, URI = 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjutils.cpp:578: Added 
Record-Route header, URI = sip:;transport=TCP;lr
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug flowtable.cpp:594: Dialog 
count now 1 for flow sip:6505550288@clearwater.opnfv
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug acr.cpp:1797: Create RalfACR 
for node type P-CSCF with role Originating
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug acr.cpp:24: Created ACR 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.839 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug acr.cpp:170: Created P-CSCF 
Ralf ACR
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:139: home 
domain: true, local_to_node: false, is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, 
prefer_sip: true, treat_number_as_phone: false
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:173: 
Classified URI sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP as 4
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:139: home 
domain: false, local_to_node: false, is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, 
prefer_sip: true, treat_number_as_phone: false
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:173: 
Classified URI 
 as 5
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjutils.cpp:537: Found Route 
header, URI = 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug acr.cpp:210: Set record type 
for P/S-CSCF
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug acr.cpp:237: Dialog-initiating 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug acr.cpp:1518: Stored 0 
subscription identifiers
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:443: Trust mode 
INBOUND_EDGE_CLIENT(,-rsp,-pch), serving state None
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 
Transaction created for Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7ffaf401c888)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:1741: UASTransaction 
constructor (0x7ffaf8008000)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:1742: ACR 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 Incoming 
Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (rdata0x7ffaf401c888) in state Null
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 State 
changed from Null to Trying, event=RX_MSG
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:347: 
tsx0x7ffaf8039c88 - tu_on_tsx_state UAS, TSX_STATE RX_MSG state=Trying
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip:       endpoint Response 
msg 408/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80b6f00) created
21-08-2018 10:01:29.840 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:2323: Report SAS 
start marker - trail (d3f0)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug trustboundary.cpp:44: Add 
P-Charging headers
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug session_expires_helper.cpp:99: 
Set session expires to 600
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:2397: Allocating 
transaction and data for target 0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:2654: Stripping loose 
routes from proxied message
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:2661: Stripped a 
Route header from proxied message
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:2681: Adding a Route 
header to sip:scscf.sprout.clearwater.local:0;transport=TCP
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8003 
Transaction created for Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80fa300)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:2424: Adding trail 
identifier 54256 to UAC transaction
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:2443: Updating 
request URI and route for target 0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:2731: Resolve next 
hop destination
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjutils.cpp:518: Next hop node 
is encoded in top route header
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug sipresolver.cpp:84: 
SIPResolver::resolve for name scscf.sprout.clearwater.local, port 0, transport 
6, family 2
21-08-2018 10:01:29.841 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug utils.cpp:446: Attempt to 
parse scscf.sprout.clearwater.local as IP address
21-08-2018 10:01:29.842 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:250: 
Searching for DNS record matching _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local in 
the static cache
21-08-2018 10:01:29.842 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug static_dns_cache.cpp:303: No 
static records found matching _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local
21-08-2018 10:01:29.842 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Verbose static_dns_cache.cpp:327: No 
matching CNAME record found in static cache
21-08-2018 10:01:29.842 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug static_dns_cache.cpp:303: No 
static records found matching _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local
21-08-2018 10:01:29.842 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:269: 
_sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local not found in the static cache
21-08-2018 10:01:29.842 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Verbose dnscachedresolver.cpp:314: 
Check cache for _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local type 33
21-08-2018 10:01:29.842 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:320: No 
entry found in cache
21-08-2018 10:01:29.842 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:323: 
Create cache entry pending query
21-08-2018 10:01:29.842 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:371: 
Create and execute DNS query transaction
21-08-2018 10:01:29.842 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:1074: 
Executing DNS lookup for _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local (type SRV)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.843 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:384: 
Wait for query responses
21-08-2018 10:01:29.845 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:120: 
Pausing stopwatch due to DNS query
21-08-2018 10:01:29.845 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:553: 
Received DNS response for _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local type SRV - 
status is 4 (Domain name not found)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.845 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Warning dnscachedresolver.cpp:698: 
Failed to retrieve record for _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local: Domain 
name not found
21-08-2018 10:01:29.845 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:65: Parsing DNS 
000000: ec9c8583 00010000 00010000 045f7369 70045f74 63700573 63736366 06737072 
   .... .... .... ._si p._t cp.s cscf .spr 
000020: 6f75740a 636c6561 72776174 6572056c 6f63616c 00002100 01c02300 06000100 
   out. clea rwat er.l ocal ..!. ..#. .... 
000040: 00012c00 21026e73 c0230561 646d696e c023780b 5db00000 0e100000 0e100000 
   ..,. !.ns .#.a dmin .#x. ]... .... .... 
000060: 0e100000 012c                                                           
   .... .,                                 

21-08-2018 10:01:29.845 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:70: Parsing 
header at offset 0x0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.845 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:73: 1 questions, 
0 answers, 1 authorities, 0 additional records
21-08-2018 10:01:29.845 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:78: Parsing 
question 1 at offset 0xc
21-08-2018 10:01:29.845 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:204: Parsed 
domain name = _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local, encoded length = 41
21-08-2018 10:01:29.845 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:96: Parsing NS 
record 1 at offset 0x39
21-08-2018 10:01:29.845 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:204: Parsed 
domain name = clearwater.local, encoded length = 2
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:257: Resource 
Record NAME=clearwater.local TYPE=SOA CLASS=IN TTL=300 RDLENGTH=33
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:117: Answer 

21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:118: Authority 
clearwater.local        300     IN      SOA    

21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:119: Additional 

21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:829: 
Adding _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local to cache expiry list with 
deletion time of 1534846289
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:126: 
Resuming stopwatch after DNS query
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Info pjsip:      ioq_epoll The 
transport thread spent 6799 microseconds processing an event.
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:392: 
Received all query responses
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:424: 
Pulling 0 records from cache for _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local SRV
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:287: 
Found result for query _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local (canonical 
domain: _sip._tcp.scscf.sprout.clearwater.local)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug sipresolver.cpp:302: Perform 
A/AAAA record lookup only, name = scscf.sprout.clearwater.local
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:250: 
Searching for DNS record matching scscf.sprout.clearwater.local in the static 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug static_dns_cache.cpp:303: No 
static records found matching scscf.sprout.clearwater.local
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Verbose static_dns_cache.cpp:327: No 
matching CNAME record found in static cache
21-08-2018 10:01:29.846 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug static_dns_cache.cpp:303: No 
static records found matching scscf.sprout.clearwater.local
21-08-2018 10:01:29.847 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:269: 
scscf.sprout.clearwater.local not found in the static cache
21-08-2018 10:01:29.847 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Verbose dnscachedresolver.cpp:314: 
Check cache for scscf.sprout.clearwater.local type 1
21-08-2018 10:01:29.847 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:320: No 
entry found in cache
21-08-2018 10:01:29.847 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:323: 
Create cache entry pending query
21-08-2018 10:01:29.847 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:371: 
Create and execute DNS query transaction
21-08-2018 10:01:29.847 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:1074: 
Executing DNS lookup for scscf.sprout.clearwater.local (type A)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.847 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:384: 
Wait for query responses
21-08-2018 10:01:29.847 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:120: 
Pausing stopwatch due to DNS query
21-08-2018 10:01:29.847 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:553: 
Received DNS response for scscf.sprout.clearwater.local type A - status is 0 
(Successful completion)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.847 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:65: Parsing DNS 
000000: 497a8580 00010002 00010002 05736373 63660673 70726f75 740a636c 65617277 
   Iz.. .... .... .scs cf.s prou t.cl earw 
000020: 61746572 056c6f63 616c0000 010001c0 0c000100 01000001 2c000428 282805c0 
   ater .loc al.. .... .... .... ,..( ((.. 
000040: 0c000100 01000001 2c0004ab a801a2c0 19000200 0100000e 10000502 6e73c019 
   .... .... ,... .... .... .... .... ns.. 
000060: c05b0001 00010000 0e100004 aba801ae c05b0001 00010000 0e100004 2828280d 
   .[.. .... .... .... .[.. .... .... (((. 

21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:70: Parsing 
header at offset 0x0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:73: 1 questions, 
2 answers, 1 authorities, 2 additional records
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:78: Parsing 
question 1 at offset 0xc
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:204: Parsed 
domain name = scscf.sprout.clearwater.local, encoded length = 31
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:87: Parsing 
answer 1 at offset 0x2f
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:204: Parsed 
domain name = scscf.sprout.clearwater.local, encoded length = 2
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:257: Resource 
Record NAME=scscf.sprout.clearwater.local TYPE=A CLASS=IN TTL=300 RDLENGTH=4
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:262: Parse A 
record RDATA
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:87: Parsing 
answer 2 at offset 0x3f
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:204: Parsed 
domain name = scscf.sprout.clearwater.local, encoded length = 2
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:257: Resource 
Record NAME=scscf.sprout.clearwater.local TYPE=A CLASS=IN TTL=300 RDLENGTH=4
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:262: Parse A 
record RDATA
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:96: Parsing NS 
record 1 at offset 0x4f
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:204: Parsed 
domain name = clearwater.local, encoded length = 2
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:257: Resource 
Record NAME=clearwater.local TYPE=NS CLASS=IN TTL=3600 RDLENGTH=5
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:105: Parsing 
additional record 1 at offset 0x60
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:204: Parsed 
domain name = ns.clearwater.local, encoded length = 2
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:257: Resource 
Record NAME=ns.clearwater.local TYPE=A CLASS=IN TTL=3600 RDLENGTH=4
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:262: Parse A 
record RDATA
21-08-2018 10:01:29.848 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:105: Parsing 
additional record 2 at offset 0x70
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:204: Parsed 
domain name = ns.clearwater.local, encoded length = 2
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:257: Resource 
Record NAME=ns.clearwater.local TYPE=A CLASS=IN TTL=3600 RDLENGTH=4
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:262: Parse A 
record RDATA
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:117: Answer 
scscf.sprout.clearwater.local 300     IN      A
scscf.sprout.clearwater.local 300     IN      A

21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:118: Authority 
clearwater.local        3600    IN      NS     

21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnsparser.cpp:119: Additional 
ns.clearwater.local     3600    IN      A
ns.clearwater.local     3600    IN      A

21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:586: DNS 
response for scscf.sprout.clearwater.local - response contains 2 answers
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:885: 
Adding record to cache entry, TTL=300, expiry=1534845989
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:892: 
Update cache entry expiry to 1534845989
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:885: 
Adding record to cache entry, TTL=300, expiry=1534845989
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:885: 
Adding record to cache entry, TTL=3600, expiry=1534849289
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:892: 
Update cache entry expiry to 1534849289
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:885: 
Adding record to cache entry, TTL=3600, expiry=1534849289
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:829: 
Adding ns.clearwater.local to cache expiry list with deletion time of 1534849589
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:829: 
Adding scscf.sprout.clearwater.local to cache expiry list with deletion time of 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:126: 
Resuming stopwatch after DNS query
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:392: 
Received all query responses
21-08-2018 10:01:29.849 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:424: 
Pulling 2 records from cache for scscf.sprout.clearwater.local A
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:287: 
Found result for query scscf.sprout.clearwater.local (canonical domain: 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:192: Found 2 
A/AAAA records, creating iterator
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Info pjutils.cpp:1001: Resolved 
destination URI 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:812: 
Attempting to get 5 targets for host:scscf.sprout.clearwater.local. 
allowed_host_state = 3
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:575:;transport=TCP graylist time elapsed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:587:;transport=TCP has state: WHITE
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:575:;transport=TCP graylist time elapsed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:587:;transport=TCP has state: WHITE
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:587:;transport=TCP has state: WHITE
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:883: Added a 
whitelisted server to targets, now have 1 of 5
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:587:;transport=TCP has state: WHITE
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:883: Added a 
whitelisted server to targets, now have 2 of 5
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:2769: Sending request 
for sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8003 Sending 
Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80fa300) in state Null
21-08-2018 10:01:29.850 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip:       endpoint Request 
msg INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80fa300): skipping target resolution because 
address is already set
21-08-2018 10:01:29.851 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Verbose pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf811 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.851 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Verbose pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf811 TCP 
client transport created
21-08-2018 10:01:29.851 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Verbose pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf811 TCP 
transport is connecting to
21-08-2018 10:01:29.851 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Verbose 
common_sip_processing.cpp:103: TX 1281 bytes Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 
(tdta0x7ffaf80fa300) to TCP
--start msg--

INVITE sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP SIP/2.0
Record-Route: <sip:;transport=TCP;lr>
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj0Tebo.vd80-5akZcKfLDUvUHb5WUkvGb
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6510dfc0584fdd17-1---d8754z-
Max-Forwards: 70
Contact: <sip:6505550288@;transport=UDP>
To: <sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv>
From: <sip:6505550288@clearwater.opnfv>;tag=d2855c60
Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, X-cisco-serviceuri
User-Agent: Z 3.3.25608 r25552
Allow-Events: presence, kpml
P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:6505550288@clearwater.opnfv>
Session-Expires: 600
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length:   161

o=Z 0 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 8000 RTP/AVP 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15

--end msg--
21-08-2018 10:01:29.851 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8003 State 
changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG
21-08-2018 10:01:29.851 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:347: 
tsx0x7ffaf8003fd8 - tu_on_tsx_state UAC, TSX_STATE TX_MSG state=Calling
21-08-2018 10:01:29.851 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:2869: 
tsx0x7ffaf8003fd8 - uac_data = 0x7ffaf809f670, uas_data = 0x7ffaf8008000
21-08-2018 10:01:29.851 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:273: 
Worker thread completed processing message 0x7ffaf401c888
21-08-2018 10:01:29.851 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:287: 
Request latency = 9347us
21-08-2018 10:01:29.852 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 9347 for 0x3943b08
21-08-2018 10:01:29.852 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 9347 for 0x3943b50
21-08-2018 10:01:29.852 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug load_monitor.cpp:341: Not 
recalculating rate as we haven't processed 20 requests yet (only 3).
21-08-2018 10:01:29.852 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug utils.cpp:878: Removed IOHook 
0x7ffb02fecdf0 to stack. There are now 0 hooks
21-08-2018 10:01:29.852 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:161: 
Attempting to process queue element
21-08-2018 10:01:29.856 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Info pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf811 TCP 
connect() error: Connection refused [code=120111]
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Info pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf811 Unable to 
connect to
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Info pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8003 Failed to 
send Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80fa300)! err=120111 (Connection 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8003 State 
changed from Calling to Terminated, event=TRANSPORT_ERROR
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:347: 
tsx0x7ffaf8003fd8 - tu_on_tsx_state UAC, TSX_STATE TRANSPORT_ERROR 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2869: 
tsx0x7ffaf8003fd8 - uac_data = 0x7ffaf809f670, uas_data = 0x7ffaf8008000
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2888: Failed to 
connected to server, so add to blacklist
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:226: Add;transport=TCP to blacklist for 30 seconds, graylist for 0 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2980: Attempt to 
retry request to alternate server
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf4001 
Transaction created for Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80fa300)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2992: Created 
transaction for retry, so send request
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf4001 Sending 
Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80fa300) in state Null
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip:       endpoint Request 
msg INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80fa300): skipping target resolution because 
address is already set
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf401 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.857 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf401 TCP 
client transport created
21-08-2018 10:01:29.858 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf401 TCP 
transport is connecting to
21-08-2018 10:01:29.858 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose 
common_sip_processing.cpp:103: TX 1281 bytes Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 
(tdta0x7ffaf80fa300) to TCP
--start msg--

INVITE sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP SIP/2.0
Record-Route: <sip:;transport=TCP;lr>
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj34GGiocxLYZJgWuwJQSoqXPTuYRE3ySJ
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6510dfc0584fdd17-1---d8754z-
Max-Forwards: 70
Contact: <sip:6505550288@;transport=UDP>
To: <sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv>
From: <sip:6505550288@clearwater.opnfv>;tag=d2855c60
Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, X-cisco-serviceuri
User-Agent: Z 3.3.25608 r25552
Allow-Events: presence, kpml
P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:6505550288@clearwater.opnfv>
Session-Expires: 600
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length:   161

o=Z 0 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 8000 RTP/AVP 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15

--end msg--
21-08-2018 10:01:29.858 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf4001 State 
changed from Null to Calling, event=TX_MSG
21-08-2018 10:01:29.858 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:347: 
tsx0x7ffaf40019c8 - tu_on_tsx_state UAC, TSX_STATE TX_MSG state=Calling
21-08-2018 10:01:29.858 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2869: 
tsx0x7ffaf40019c8 - uac_data = 0x7ffaf809f670, uas_data = 0x7ffaf8008000
21-08-2018 10:01:29.858 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf811 TCP 
send() error, sent=-120111
21-08-2018 10:01:29.858 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8003 Timeout 
timer event
21-08-2018 10:01:29.858 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8003 State 
changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER
21-08-2018 10:01:29.858 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:347: 
tsx0x7ffaf8003fd8 - tu_on_tsx_state UAC, TSX_STATE TIMER state=Destroyed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf811 TCP 
transport destroyed with reason 120111: Connection refused
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Info pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf401 TCP 
connect() error: Connection refused [code=120111]
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Info pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf401 Unable to 
connect to
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Info pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf4001 Failed to 
send Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80fa300)! err=120111 (Connection 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf4001 State 
changed from Calling to Terminated, event=TRANSPORT_ERROR
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:347: 
tsx0x7ffaf40019c8 - tu_on_tsx_state UAC, TSX_STATE TRANSPORT_ERROR 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2869: 
tsx0x7ffaf40019c8 - uac_data = 0x7ffaf809f670, uas_data = 0x7ffaf8008000
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2888: Failed to 
connected to server, so add to blacklist
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:226: Add;transport=TCP to blacklist for 30 seconds, graylist for 0 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2930: 
tsx0x7ffaf40019c8 - UAC tsx terminated while still connected to UAS tsx
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2933: Timeout or 
transport error
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2149: 
tsx0x7ffaf40019c8 - Not forked request
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:581: Failed to start 
session, change record type to EVENT_RECORD
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 Sending 
Response msg 408/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80b6f00) in state Trying
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip:  sip_resolve.c Target 
'' type=UDP resolved to '' type=UDP (UDP 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.859 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose 
common_sip_processing.cpp:103: TX 371 bytes Response msg 408/INVITE/cseq=1 
(tdta0x7ffaf80b6f00) to UDP
--start msg--

SIP/2.0 408 Request Timeout
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6510dfc0584fdd17-1---d8754z-
From: <sip:6505550288@clearwater.opnfv>;tag=d2855c60
Content-Length:  0

--end msg--
21-08-2018 10:01:29.860 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 State 
changed from Trying to Completed, event=TX_MSG
21-08-2018 10:01:29.860 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:347: 
tsx0x7ffaf8039c88 - tu_on_tsx_state UAS, TSX_STATE TX_MSG state=Completed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.860 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:775: Request received 
on non-trusted port 5060
21-08-2018 10:01:29.860 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2332: Report SAS end 
marker - trail (d3f0)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.860 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2156: 
tsx0x7ffaf40019c8 - Disconnect UAS tsx from UAC tsx
21-08-2018 10:01:29.860 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2534: Dissociate UAC 
transaction 0x7ffaf809f670 (0)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.860 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf401 TCP 
send() error, sent=-120111
21-08-2018 10:01:29.860 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf4001 Timeout 
timer event
21-08-2018 10:01:29.860 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf4001 State 
changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER
21-08-2018 10:01:29.860 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:347: 
tsx0x7ffaf40019c8 - tu_on_tsx_state UAC, TSX_STATE TIMER state=Destroyed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.860 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2869: 
tsx0x7ffaf40019c8 - uac_data = 0x7ffaf809f670, uas_data = (nil)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2956: 
tsx0x7ffaf40019c8 - UAC tsx destroyed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tdta0x7ffaf80f 
Destroying txdata Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80fa300)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose pjsip: tcpc0x7ffaf401 TCP 
transport destroyed with reason 120111: Connection refused
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: sip_endpoint.c 
Processing incoming message: Request msg ACK/cseq=1 (rdata0x3f63788)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose 
common_sip_processing.cpp:87: RX 540 bytes Request msg ACK/cseq=1 
(rdata0x3f63788) from UDP
--start msg--

ACK sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-6510dfc0584fdd17-1---d8754z-
Max-Forwards: 70
From: <sip:6505550288@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP>;tag=d2855c60
CSeq: 1 ACK
Content-Length: 0

--end msg--
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:568: 
Received message 0x3f63788
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:585: 
Admitted request 0x3f63788
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:620: 
Incoming message 0x3f63788 cloned to 0x7ffaf401c888
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:639: 
Queuing cloned received message 0x7ffaf401c888 for worker threads with priority 0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 0 for 0x3947a58
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 0 for 0x3947ad0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug utils.cpp:872: Added IOHook 
0x7ffb02fecdf0 to stack. There are now 1 hooks
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:181: 
Worker thread dequeue message 0x7ffaf401c888
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:186: 
Request latency so far = 329us
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: sip_endpoint.c 
Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg ACK/cseq=1 (rdata0x7ffaf401c888)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.861 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:139: home 
domain: true, local_to_node: false, is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, 
prefer_sip: true, treat_number_as_phone: false
21-08-2018 10:01:29.862 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:173: 
Classified URI sip:6505550596@clearwater.opnfv;transport=UDP as 4
21-08-2018 10:01:29.862 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 Incoming 
Request msg ACK/cseq=1 (rdata0x7ffaf401c888) in state Completed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.862 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 State 
changed from Completed to Confirmed, event=RX_MSG
21-08-2018 10:01:29.862 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug bono.cpp:347: 
tsx0x7ffaf8039c88 - tu_on_tsx_state UAS, TSX_STATE RX_MSG state=Confirmed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.862 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:273: 
Worker thread completed processing message 0x7ffaf401c888
21-08-2018 10:01:29.862 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:287: 
Request latency = 729us
21-08-2018 10:01:29.862 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 729 for 0x3943b08
21-08-2018 10:01:29.862 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 729 for 0x3943b50
21-08-2018 10:01:29.862 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug load_monitor.cpp:341: Not 
recalculating rate as we haven't processed 20 requests yet (only 4).
21-08-2018 10:01:29.862 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug utils.cpp:878: Removed IOHook 
0x7ffb02fecdf0 to stack. There are now 0 hooks
21-08-2018 10:01:29.862 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:161: 
Attempting to process queue element
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 Timeout 
timer event
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 State 
changed from Confirmed to Terminated, event=TIMER
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:347: 
tsx0x7ffaf8039c88 - tu_on_tsx_state UAS, TSX_STATE TIMER state=Terminated
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 Timeout 
timer event
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 State 
changed from Terminated to Destroyed, event=TIMER
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:347: 
tsx0x7ffaf8039c88 - tu_on_tsx_state UAS, TSX_STATE TIMER state=Destroyed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2189: 
tsx0x7ffaf8039c88 - UAS tsx destroyed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2496: 
tsx0x7ffaf8039c88 - Cancel 0 pending UAC transactions
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:2505: 
tsx0x7ffaf8039c88 - Check target 0, UAC data = (nil), UAC tsx = (nil)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:1786: UASTransaction 
destructor (0x7ffaf8008000)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:1806: Disconnect UAC 
transactions from UAS transaction
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:1816: Upstream ACR = 
0x7ffaf815a6f0, Downstream ACR = 0x7ffaf815a6f0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose acr.cpp:641: Sending P-CSCF 
Ralf ACR (0x7ffaf815a6f0)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:674: Building message
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:691: Adding peers 
meta-data, 1 ccfs, 0 ecfs
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:730: Building event
21-08-2018 10:01:29.872 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:735: Adding 
Account-Record-Type AVP 1
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:755: Adding 
Service-Information AVP group
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:765: Adding 0 
Subscription-Id AVPs
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:791: Adding 
IMS-Information AVP group
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:796: Adding Event-Type 
AVP group
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:825: Adding 0 
Calling-Party-Address AVPs
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:845: Adding 
Called-Party-Address AVP
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:866: Adding 0 
Called-Asserted-Identity AVPs
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:887: Adding 0 
Associated-URI AVPs
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:906: Adding 
Time-Stamps AVP group
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:996: Adding 0 
Transit-IOI-List AVPs
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:1072: Adding 0 
Early-Media-Description AVPs
21-08-2018 10:01:29.873 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:1104: Adding 0 
Message-Body AVPs
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:1198: Adding 
Cause-Code(408) AVP to ACR[Interim]
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:1204: Adding 0 
Reason-Header AVPs
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:1222: Adding 0 
Access-Network-Information AVPs
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:1240: Adding 
From-Address AVP
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:1255: Adding 
Route-Header-Received AVP
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:1262: Adding 
Route-Header-Transmitted AVP
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug a_record_resolver.cpp:57: 
ARecordResolver::resolve_iter for host dime.clearwater.local, port 10888, 
family 2
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug utils.cpp:446: Attempt to 
parse dime.clearwater.local as IP address
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:250: 
Searching for DNS record matching dime.clearwater.local in the static cache
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug static_dns_cache.cpp:303: No 
static records found matching dime.clearwater.local
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Verbose static_dns_cache.cpp:327: No 
matching CNAME record found in static cache
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug static_dns_cache.cpp:303: No 
static records found matching dime.clearwater.local
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:269: 
dime.clearwater.local not found in the static cache
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Verbose dnscachedresolver.cpp:314: 
Check cache for dime.clearwater.local type 1
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:424: 
Pulling 2 records from cache for dime.clearwater.local A
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug dnscachedresolver.cpp:287: 
Found result for query dime.clearwater.local (canonical domain: 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:192: Found 2 
A/AAAA records, creating iterator
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug utils.cpp:446: Attempt to 
parse dime.clearwater.local as IP address
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:812: 
Attempting to get 1 targets for host:dime.clearwater.local. allowed_host_state 
= 3
21-08-2018 10:01:29.874 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:587:;transport=TCP has state: WHITE
21-08-2018 10:01:29.875 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:587:;transport=TCP has state: WHITE
21-08-2018 10:01:29.875 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:587:;transport=TCP has state: WHITE
21-08-2018 10:01:29.875 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:883: Added a 
whitelisted server to targets, now have 1 of 1
21-08-2018 10:01:29.875 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug connection_pool.h:207: Request 
for connection to IP:, port: 10888
21-08-2018 10:01:29.875 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug connection_pool.h:220: Found 
existing connection 0x7ffafc0028e0 in pool
21-08-2018 10:01:29.875 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug httpclient.cpp:312: Set 
CURLOPT_RESOLVE: dime.clearwater.local:10888:
21-08-2018 10:01:29.875 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug httpclient.cpp:343: Sending 
HTTP request : 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.875 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug acr.cpp:29: Destroyed ACR 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.876 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:1835: Free original 
request (0x7ffaf80885a8)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.876 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tdta0x7ffaf808 
Destroying txdata Request msg INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf8088500)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.876 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug bono.cpp:1851: UASTransaction 
destructor completed
21-08-2018 10:01:29.876 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tdta0x7ffaf80b 
Destroying txdata Response msg 408/INVITE/cseq=1 (tdta0x7ffaf80b6f00)
21-08-2018 10:01:29.876 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Info pjsip:        timer.c The 
transport thread spent 4163 microseconds processing a callback.
21-08-2018 10:01:29.876 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8039 
Transaction destroyed!
21-08-2018 10:01:29.876 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf8003 
Transaction destroyed!
21-08-2018 10:01:29.876 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: tsx0x7ffaf4001 
Transaction destroyed!
21-08-2018 10:01:29.877 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug httpclient.cpp:719: Received 
header http/1.1200ok with value 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.877 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug httpclient.cpp:720: Header 
pointer: 0x7ffb0affcbf0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.877 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug httpclient.cpp:719: Received 
header content-length with value 0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.877 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug httpclient.cpp:720: Header 
pointer: 0x7ffb0affcbf0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.878 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug httpclient.cpp:719: Received 
header  with value 
21-08-2018 10:01:29.878 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug httpclient.cpp:720: Header 
pointer: 0x7ffb0affcbf0
21-08-2018 10:01:29.878 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug httpclient.cpp:383: Received 
HTTP response: status=200, doc=
21-08-2018 10:01:29.878 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug baseresolver.cpp:672: 
Successful response from;transport=TCP
21-08-2018 10:01:29.878 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug connection_pool.h:244: Release 
connection to IP:, port: 10888 to pool
21-08-2018 10:01:29.878 UTC [7ffb0affd700] Debug communicationmonitor.cpp:57: 
Checking communication changes - successful attempts 2, failures 0
21-08-2018 10:01:31.157 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose pjsip:    tcplis:5058 TCP 
listener got incoming TCP connection from, 
21-08-2018 10:01:31.157 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose pjsip: tcps0x7ffaf401 
21-08-2018 10:01:31.157 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose pjsip: tcps0x7ffaf401 TCP 
server transport created
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug pjsip: sip_endpoint.c 
Processing incoming message: Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=1050567 
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose 
common_sip_processing.cpp:87: RX 345 bytes Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=1050567 
(rdata0x7ffaf401cb40) from TCP
--start msg--

OPTIONS sip:poll-sip@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK-1050567
Max-Forwards: 2
To: <sip:poll-sip@>
From: poll-sip <sip:poll-sip@>;tag=1050567
Call-ID: poll-sip-1050567
CSeq: 1050567 OPTIONS
Contact: <sip:>
Accept: application/sdp
Content-Length: 0
User-Agent: poll-sip

--end msg--
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:139: home 
domain: false, local_to_node: true, is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, 
prefer_sip: true, treat_number_as_phone: false
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:173: 
Classified URI sip:poll-sip@ as 3
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug common_sip_processing.cpp:180: 
Skipping SAS logging for OPTIONS request
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:568: 
Received message 0x7ffaf401cb40
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:585: 
Admitted request 0x7ffaf401cb40
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:620: 
Incoming message 0x7ffaf401cb40 cloned to 0x7ffaf401f0a8
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:639: 
Queuing cloned received message 0x7ffaf401f0a8 for worker threads with priority 
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 0 for 0x3947a88
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 0 for 0x3947ad0
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug utils.cpp:872: Added IOHook 
0x7ffb02fecdf0 to stack. There are now 1 hooks
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:181: 
Worker thread dequeue message 0x7ffaf401f0a8
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:186: 
Request latency so far = 104us
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: sip_endpoint.c 
Distributing rdata to modules: Request msg OPTIONS/cseq=1050567 
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:139: home 
domain: false, local_to_node: true, is_gruu: false, enforce_user_phone: false, 
prefer_sip: true, treat_number_as_phone: false
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug uri_classifier.cpp:173: 
Classified URI sip:poll-sip@ as 3
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip:       endpoint Response 
msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=1050567 (tdta0x7ffaf8088500) created
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Verbose 
common_sip_processing.cpp:103: TX 279 bytes Response msg 
200/OPTIONS/cseq=1050567 (tdta0x7ffaf8088500) to TCP
--start msg--

SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;rport=43620;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-1050567
Call-ID: poll-sip-1050567
From: "poll-sip" <sip:poll-sip@>;tag=1050567
To: <sip:poll-sip@>;tag=z9hG4bK-1050567
CSeq: 1050567 OPTIONS
Content-Length:  0

--end msg--
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug common_sip_processing.cpp:275: 
Skipping SAS logging for OPTIONS response
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug pjsip: tdta0x7ffaf808 
Destroying txdata Response msg 200/OPTIONS/cseq=1050567 (tdta0x7ffaf8088500)
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:273: 
Worker thread completed processing message 0x7ffaf401f0a8
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:287: 
Request latency = 292us
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 292 for 0x3943ad8
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug 
event_statistic_accumulator.cpp:32: Accumulate 292 for 0x3943b50
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug load_monitor.cpp:341: Not 
recalculating rate as we haven't processed 20 requests yet (only 5).
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug utils.cpp:878: Removed IOHook 
0x7ffb02fecdf0 to stack. There are now 0 hooks
21-08-2018 10:01:31.158 UTC [7ffb02fed700] Debug thread_dispatcher.cpp:161: 
Attempting to process queue element
21-08-2018 10:01:33.160 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose pjsip: tcps0x7ffaf401 TCP 
connection closed
21-08-2018 10:01:33.160 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Debug connection_tracker.cpp:67: 
Connection 0x7ffaf401c808 has been destroyed
21-08-2018 10:01:33.160 UTC [7ffb027ec700] Verbose pjsip: tcps0x7ffaf401 TCP 
transport destroyed with reason 70016: End of file (PJ_EEOF)
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