>hey, folks--
>after spending the 3:30-7:30pm span of the day at the events on public
>square, i'm here watching the 10:00 news on channel 43's "action news"
>newscast, where they did about 2-3  minutes of coverage on events at
>public square.

i just tuned in as much as i could of Channel 5's coverage. (we dont
normally watch TV, so our reception is pretty much shite). Didnt seem
to be anything on the head launching or whatever it was. Their spin
was almost friendly, given the tone most reports ive seen have had.
They credit the police with keeping everyone in line and 'letting us
blow off steam'; the tone seemed to be sort of, arent we Clevelanders
well behaved compared to those crazies in Chicago, for instance.

one discrepancy i did notice:
the news crawl at the bottom of the screen went by saying 'Dozens
of war supporters and anti-war protestors meet on Public Square';
but a minute later, the anchor reported 'hundreds' marching and
rallying downtown, with what looked like footage to match (no antenna
= no real picture).

fwiw, altho i didnt arrive until nearly 5:00 pm, i saw a total of five
people who were in any way openly pro-war, and two of those were
white guys who, while obviously feeling strongly against Saddam,
were also making an attempt to reign in tempers and engage in
at least a little dialogue with me and a fellow in a Peace Keepers
tshirt. One was the White MiddleClass Suburban man driving his
SUV around the block with dual flags waving and 'God Bless the
USA' blaring from his stereo. That leaves the two young women
shouting things at marchers who circled the Soldiers & Sailors
Monument - hardly 'dozens'.

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