
As of around noon today, Friday 3/21, the massive Shock & Awe bombing of Baghdad has begun.  Our protests yesterday were profound and beautiful, yet the general sentiment is that we have not fully tapped the broad sentiment in this area against these outrages---WE WANT THE FULL POWER OF OUR OPPOSITION TO BE SEEN AND HEARD 

We are gathering again today downtown at Public Square, beginning around 3pm and thru rush hour.  Spread the word as far and wide as possible!!!!!  Also see other plans below.

From the National Not In Our Name latest statement: " We must let them know that there will not be a day, an hour or a minute across this land when we will be silent or go along with their plans.  As Bush commits his atrocities and demands our submission and silence, our resistance must rise to new heights of breadth, daring, creativity and determination."  YES!!!!

Here are plans to join up with as of now:

Today, rush hour, Public Square across from Terminal Tower


Peace Vigil 3/22 from 11-12 at the west side market.

Car Caravan organized by NIONyouth network beginning at 1 gathering at the shopping plaza parking lot across from the west side market.

EMERGENCY COMMUNITY-WIDE MEETING called by Not In Our Name-to make further plans and sum up all that is happening: Saturday evening, 7pm at the Catholic Worker House, 3601 Whitman Avenue, north of Lorain between Fulton and Randall.

Check the local NION website for more details, additional events and updates: www.geocities.com/nion_cleveland, or go to national NION site www.notinourname.net and find our website link in Ohio listings.   NION phone # is 216-732-3319 (voicemail-but we check & respond continually).  Another world is possible--we pledge to make it real!!   See you out there!

Not In Our Name

"As people living in the United States, it is our responsibility to resist the injustices done by our government, in our names...Another world is possible, and we pledge to make it real."

Not in Our Name  www.notinourname.net

Cleveland info www.geocities.com/nion_cleveland

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