An excerpt: "What can we do to keep up the momentum? 
First, we should use the antiwar movement as a huge support group. We should talk 
about our feelings of powerlessness and the other forces that discourage us. We should 
make solemn commitments to each other that we will not let those feelings and forces 
sap our energy. We should nurture each other’s emotional energies and boost each 
other’s morale. 
Second, while we do the psychological caretaking, we should also become a giant media 
octopus. We should read as much as we can of the alternative press, and share what 
with learn with everyone we know, using every tool we have. We are the only ones who 
will spread the truth and keep the public well informed about the reality of the Iraq 
Third, we must keep up the pressure to end the war immediately. The horrors of war, 
even if under-reported, will turn some Americans against this war. Moreover, the 
people who made the war have no idea how long it will last. If they get bogged down in 
urban guerilla warfare, public opinion could quickly turn against the war. We must 
remain alert and well organized to seize on changes in public opinion. That means 
keeping up a broad-based movement, not alienating potential allies but building 
bridges to them wherever we find them. 
Fourth, we must transform ourselves from a movement against war in Iraq to a movement 
against imperial U.S. war anywhere. We must educate ourselves about the larger context 
of the Iraq war, the Bush administration's quest for empire. We must understand that 
the movement we built is not simply about stopping war in Iraq. It is about stopping 
the whole chain of war that Bush’s imperial doctrine will demand: North Korea, Iran, 
and who knows where else."

Jim  Misak wanted to share this article featured on Common Dreams with you.  Here's 
the link:

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