Re Brian's excellent work to locate and pass on info on how to access 
websites. Thanks, and here's another thought. Do we really know that 
Al-Quaeda is responsible for all the things they are charged with? The people 
who link them to anything and everything are the same people who didn't know 
enough about anything before 9/11 to prevent it. Isn't it possible that every 
group that commits some kind of payback action anywhere in the world is going 
to be, from now on, tarred with the Al-Quaeda brush. Until there is a 
independent investigation and trial of someone, somewhere, we aren't really 
going to know jack. (This preceeding is not a justification for killing 
people who are largely innocent of wrongdoing, only an understanding of how 
America/Americans have gotten to be so hated over the decades. And I use the 
word "largely" because as taxpayers we all have a stake in what's going on, 
in terms of form, not content (i.e. many of us don't accept it or condone 
it).   Cath

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