It was horrifying to hear the other day that the Russians may have been 
selling banned weapons technology to Iraq.

Interestingly, Moscow denies it and claims the US and its allies have been 
engaged in similar practices with, for example, Iran.


Thinking about our mercenary corporations like KBR and DynCorp, I'm wondering 
if this doesn't amount to a quarrel over "free trade."  After all, if you 
really believe in "the hidden hand" without "the hidden fist", why not allow 
all sorts of weapons to be traded for whatever profits are to be reaped?

And when you think about the way IMF and World Bank policies have amounted to 
their own sort of free trade "weapon of mass destruction", a little GPS 
jamming and some nightvision goggles barely seem worth getting upset over.

The gas-centrifuge to Tehran does seem to be "pushing the envelope", but what 
would you expect from the Enron version of the Pentagon.

terry provost

2454 Professor Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44113
(216) 687-0703

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