The shape of things to come? 

>From Tom Atlee:
>Dear friends,
>This is serious and urgent.  There is a clear and present danger to
>democracy in Oregon which could spread to other states.
>Senate Bill 742 proposed by Oregon State Senator Minnis (R-Dist. 25 /
>Fairview)(Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee) creates the crime
>of "terrorism" -- punishable by life imprisonment.  Senator Minnis
>defines "terrorism" so broadly that even being present at a
>demonstration that is in any way "disruptive" could result in life
>I have given the relevant sections of the bill below, as well as the
>link to the whole bill.  I have also provided information from the
>American Civil Liberties Union regarding this, including contact
>information for the relevant Oregon State Senators.
>Ever since laws began to be passed criminalizing "terrorism," I have
>been concerned that its definition would be expanded to include
>anything that authorities wished to suppress which could then be
>subject to extreme punishment, laying the groundwork for serious
>suppression. It seems that is now happening.  It must be
>energetically nipped in the bud if we are to prevent its spread.
>If this law passes in Oregon, it is highly likely that other states
>will pass similar laws, especially in the current political climate.
>I trust you will act if you feel so moved.  Whether you are an Oregon
>resident or not, you can express your dismay to the Oregon State
>Senators listed below.  If you are an Oregon resident you can, in
>addition, attend a hearing Monday morning Mar 24 in Salem, OR
>(specifics below).
>PS:  The law also sets aside (in terrorism cases) two other Oregon
>laws which prevent police from (a) spying on innocent people and
>organizations and (b) apprehending people solely for immigration
>Excerpts from the proposed law:
>72nd OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2003 Regular Session
>Senate Bill 742
>Sponsored by Senator Minnis
>SUMMARY:  Creates crime of terrorism. Punishes by life imprisonment.
>(1) A person commits the crime of terrorism if the person knowingly
>plans, participates in or carries out any act that is intended, by at
>least one of its participants, to disrupt:
>(a) The free and orderly assembly of the inhabitants of the State of
>(b) Commerce or the transportation systems of the State of Oregon; or
>(c) The educational or governmental institutions of the State of
>Oregon or its inhabitants.
>(2) A person commits the crime of terrorism if the person conspires
>to do any of the activities described in subsection (1) of this
>(a) A person convicted of terrorism shall be punished by imprisonment
>for life.
>(b) When a person is convicted of terrorism under this section, the
>court shall order that the person be confined for a minimum of 25
>years without possibility of parole, release to post-prison
>supervision, release on work release or any form of temporary leave
>or employment at a forest or work camp....
>An opportunity to make your opinions known:
>Senate Bill 742
>SB 742, introduced by Senator John Minnis (R-Gresham) is set for a
>hearing before Senate Judiciary (the committee Senator Minnis chairs)
>on Monday, March 24 at 8:00 a.m. Room 343.
>The bill creates the crime of "terrorism" and defines it so broadly
>that individuals would be subject to life in prison if any other
>participant in the same group intended to disrupt commerce,
>transportation, educational, or governmental institutions (such as,
>strikes, protests, student food fights).
>More importantly, under section 2 it would also allow state and local
>law enforcement to ignore both ORS 181.575 and ORS 181.850 if they
>are investigating "terrorism".
>ORS 181.575 prohibits law enforcement agencies from collecting or
>maintaining information about the political, religious, social views,
>associations or activities of any person or group unless that
>information directly relates to a criminal investigation.  ORS
>181.850 prohibits local law enforcement from using resources to
>apprehend people whose only offense is a federal immigration
>violation.  The law allows state and local law enforcement to contact
>the INS after they have arrested someone.  The law also permits state
>and local police to request information from the INS that may help
>solve a criminal case. To allow an exception to ORS 181.575 & ORS
>181.850 unravels the protections these laws provide!
>For more background on these "181" laws that need protection, please
>read the "181 Campaign Talking Points." <
>To see all the groups supporting protecting the 181 laws, take a look
>at the 181 Campaign Coalition. <
>OPPOSE SB 742.  We've also included the Senate Democratic leadership
>so you can share your position with them. Here's the contact
>Senator John Minnis, Chair (R)
>District: 25
>Capitol Phone: 503-986-1725
>Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE S-311, Salem Or 97301
>Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Web page Address:
>Senator Ted Ferrioli (R)
>District: 30
>Capitol Phone: 503-986-1730
>Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE S-217, Salem Or 97301
>Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Web page Address:
>Senator Charles Starr (R)
>District: 13
>Capitol Phone: 503-986-1713
>Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE S-312, Salem Or 97301
>Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Web page Address:
>Senator Ginny Burdick, Vice-Chair (D)
>District: 18
>Capitol Phone: 503-986-1718
>Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE S-317, Salem Or 97301
>Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Web page Address:
>Senator Charlie Ringo (D)
>District: 17
>Capitol Phone: 503-986-1717
>Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE S-314 Salem, OR 97301
>Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Web page Address:
>Senator Vicki Walker (D)
>District: 7
>Capitol Phone: 503-986-1707
>Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE S-210, Salem Or 97301
>Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Web page Address:
>Senate Leadership:
>Senate President Peter Courtney (D)
>District: 11
>Capitol Phone: 503-986-1600
>Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE S-203, Salem Or 97301
>Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Web page Address:
>Senator Kate Brown, Democrat Leader
>District: 21 Capitol Phone: 503-986-1700
>Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE S-323, Salem Or 97301
>Capitol Fax:503-986-1080
>Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Web page Address:

Director of The Tyrian Network
A 501(c)3 dedicated to Creativity, Healing & Peace

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