i share with you a hopeful moment today, april 4, 2003. I think, on this
anniversary of the murder of Martin luther king Jr., how his name
reverberates through history and was spoken loudly and (truth)forcefully
on this day. Some think he was silenced on April 4, 1968. And yet.  I
heard his voice, his memory, one of his 'children', speak today.  Anne
Misak gave a 10 minute senior speech to the Laurel upper school and to
family and friends this afternoon, an audience of about 250.  In her
opening words, Anne  invoked  the nonviolent direct action of the
cleveland nonviolence network in transforming  the Soldiers & Sailors
Monumenton into a Peace memorial march 20, 2003, the day after the start
of bombing of Iraq. She described in detail the action:  its hopefulness
and its reconciling nature.  She then went on to invoke the civil rights
movement, its use of nonviolent direct action, its sufferings, and
Martin luther king jr's leadership in nonviolence as its creed. Then she
spoke of participating, this past november, in a vigil to close the US
Army School of the Americas, a training center for latin american
soldiers who have gone on to perpetrate incredible violence against
their fellow citizens. She recalled the powerful witness of caitlin
harwood, recent laurel graduate, who, through her civil disobedience,
received a 3 month prison sentence.  Anne went on to describe her own
personal experiences in Nicaragua this past summer, connecting with
those who seek to improve life there, finding hope and strength in their
actions.  She reflected on her own struggle to articulate her views when
no one else shared them at her school. Finally, Anne declared her own
commitment to a vision of nonviolence as a method and as a creed.  I was
encouraged, edified, and heartened.  On a day of painful remembrance of
our loss of Martin Luther King jr, I heard of  his resurrection and want
to proclaim the good news.

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