This opinion piece by John S. Herrington, Energy
Secretary in the Reagan Administration, is a classic
example of the colonialist mentality. It appeared
in the Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) on 2 April 2003,
and in other newspapers as well.

Jim Miller

Iraq can afford to pay for its freedom with oil Make Iraq a U.S. strategic petroleum reserve

30 March 2003

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries has been a
challenge to the United States for 50 years. It was set up
as a vehicle to stabilize the price of oil by attempting to
control supply for certain producing countries -- read
"monopoly." It has since become a political organization
practicing boycotts, embargoes, blackmail and price fixing.
History's biggest trust-busters would have a field day with
this group.

The member nations and their rulers have lavish lifestyles
in Europe and other parts of the world, paid for by
petrodollars. Their palaces are from the "Arabian Nights,"
and their families use the national treasuries as checking
accounts. They meet in Switzerland on a regular basis to set
target prices and quotas for production, thereby
guaranteeing a large and steady flow of money from the
so-called nonproducing world.

For years it has been the policy of the United States and
other consuming countries that the markets of the world
should set the price of crude oil without the help of OPEC.
They have been aided in this effort by the fact that not all
of the oil producers in the world have joined OPEC. The
United States, Canada and some other large producers have
stayed independent.

They also have been helped by the understandable fact that
OPEC has not wanted to overplay its hand. It doesn't want to
upset the gravy train, so to speak. The Saudi oil minister
is reported to have said in the 1980s that OPEC didn't want
oil priced at a level where the nonproducing countries would
be forced to develop alternative technologies to replace

When the Arab oil embargoes hit in the 1970s, we learned,
upfront and personal, the power of OPEC: long lines at the
gas pumps, odd and even days to fill a gas tank. The price
of crude oil skyrocketed from $3 to $6 a barrel to $30 to

This was when the cries for energy independence became loud
in the United States and elsewhere.

Later, when the second oil shock hit, President Jimmy Carter
opened the floodgates of money for every energy independence
project on the drawing board. Most of these, although well
intentioned, were unsuccessful.

The biggest white elephant of all was the government's U.S.
Synthetic Fuels Corp. It tried everything, including trying
to make natural gas out of North Dakota dirt. Its plant
ended up being auctioned off. The price tag to American
taxpayers for all of this was in the billions.

But energy independence never had a chance. The
environmental movement in the United States decided to wage
war on nuclear power, offshore drilling and the burning of
coal and other fossil fuels. Holes were punched in every
square foot of Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Wyoming. The
big fields of oil were all gone except in the sacred cows of
Alaska and offshore California and Florida.

It was about this time that Washington hit on a scheme to
establish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The idea was to
purchase millions of barrels of oil on the open market and
pump them into salt domes in Louisiana and Texas. The oil
would be pumped into the U.S. open market in an emergency to
stabilize prices if the OPEC countries artificially caused a
shortage again. To this day, the oil sits in the salt domes.
Would it work? Probably for a couple of months, the experts

We still chase energy independence and we are still hostage
to OPEC. Men with the names of Saddam, Gadhafi, Mullah X or
Y and others dictate our future. How long will this last?

The war in Iraq may offer us the chance to free ourselves
from OPEC.

After World War I and World War II we occupied the enemy and
forgave the debt of reparations. We even rebuilt those
nations with American sweat and dollars. U.S. bases remain
in Germany and Japan, which are functioning democracies.
Looking back, a reasonable person would say the bases and
the U.S. connection have been good for both sides. It was
too bad that neither Japan nor Germany could pay us for
their liberation.

Iraq is different. It is the first country the United States
has fought that can afford to pay for its freedom. It is
ranked as No. 2 in oil reserves in the world behind Saudi
Arabia; some say it is No. 1. Its oil fields are far from
developed fully. Saudi Arabia is called the "swing producer"
because it is the only country that has the ability to vary
oil production so that world oil prices will respond; OPEC
is nothing without it.

What the United States needs is a second swing producer, and
with U.S. help, Iraq could easily play that role. Iraq is
going to have to sell a lot of oil when the war is over. Oil
revenue will bring it to the 21st century and help build an
infrastructure second to none in the Mideast.

The world knows that France will be the first country at the
door with its hand out to exploit Iraq when Saddam Hussein's
regime is gone. Gen. Douglas MacArthur's answer to the
Russians after World War II should be our answer to the
French, Germans and our other friends at the United Nations:
American technology and interests should be the only force
to develop the oil fields of Iraq. In so doing, we can
provide jobs to the citizens of Iraq and a chance at a place
in the modern world.

We are a good people and we have proved for 60 years that we
do not exploit our former enemies. The United States would
have a secure base in the Middle East. A strong
representative government in Iraq guaranteed by the U.S.
presence and financed with oil revenue from sales to the
United States would give both nations what they want. In
return for a secure supply of oil at market prices for the
rest of this century, we would help Iraqis spend their new
wealth to benefit Iraq's people.

Isn't it reasonable to make Iraq the answer to our desire
for energy independence? Shouldn't Iraq be our strategic
petroleum reserve? Shouldn't Iraq be our answer to OPEC and
oil blackmail?

One final point needs to be made. There's a debt that must
be recognized by the world. The oil policies of OPEC have
cost the United States billions and billions. Protecting
Israel from madmen like Saddam has cost the United States
billions. Convoying oil tankers through the Persian Gulf in
the 1980s cost the United States billions. So did the
liberation of Kuwait -- and Japan and Western Europe, for
that matter.

Americans go to work every day to pay for the International
Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the United Nations, NATO,
foreign aid and other causes we are told make the world a
better place.

The United States has never been very good at collecting
money it is owed. Maybe that should change. There is an
Iraqi pipeline that carries crude oil from Iraq across
Turkey to the Mediterranean Sea. The Turks charge a fee per
barrel for the oil that travels through that pipeline. The
Turks have it right.

If Pakistan can be appointed by Hans Blix to head the
nonproliferation effort at the International Atomic Energy
Agency and Libya can chair the human rights commission at
the United Nations, pigs can fly. Americans can also take
off their "kick me" sign, as then-U.N. Ambassador Jeane J.
Kirkpatrick told us to do in 1984. Take Iraq out of OPEC.


John S. Herrington was U.S. energy secretary from 1985 to

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