On Sat, 29 Apr 2023 19:26:00 GMT, Julian Waters <jwat...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> In windowsaccessbridge(-64).dll the following methods are exported in a def 
> file to C API which in turn call their real implementation, which are 
> instance methods of the class WinAccessBridge:
> addJavaEventNotification
> removeJavaEventNotification
> addAccessibilityEventNotification
> removeAccessibilityEventNotification
> However, they are nowhere to be seen in the actual C interface, in 
> AccessBridgeWindowsEntryPoints.cpp. Your guess is as good as mine as to how 
> on earth MSVC is still capable of compiling and linking this without any 
> errors whatsoever, but in any case, this is a severe oversight and should be 
> properly defined in the C API lest this happy accident within MSVC is fixed 
> by Microsoft in the future

FWIW, this is what dumpbin displays for these entries:

          1    2 0000351C addAccessibilityEventNotification = 
?addAccessibilityEventNotification@WinAccessBridge@@QEAAX_J@Z (public: void 
__cdecl WinAccessBridge::addAccessibilityEventNotification(__int64))
          2    4 00003628 addJavaEventNotification = 
?addJavaEventNotification@WinAccessBridge@@QEAAX_J@Z (public: void __cdecl 
          3   42 00006D94 removeAccessibilityEventNotification = 
?removeAccessibilityEventNotification@WinAccessBridge@@QEAAX_J@Z (public: void 
__cdecl WinAccessBridge::removeAccessibilityEventNotification(__int64))
          4   44 00006EA0 removeJavaEventNotification = 
?removeJavaEventNotification@WinAccessBridge@@QEAAX_J@Z (public: void __cdecl 

There's no way to get a pointer to an instance of `WinAccessBridge` using the 
supported interface, and calling these methods with garbage value for `this` 
would likely crash.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13734#issuecomment-1536386059

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