Am 07.11.23 um 20:37 schrieb Jan Trukenmüller:
The MIDI file parser misinterprets events without status byte when they appear 
directly after a Meta of SysEx event.

For my bugfix I had to decide between two possible solutions:
- Strict solution: Throw an InvalidMidiDataException
- Tolerant solution: Use the status of the last channel event as running status

I used the tolerant solution.
I will send an email to the list client-libs-dev with my reasons.


Commit messages:
  - 8319598: Fixed incorrect interpretation of interrupted running status in 

   Stats: 121 lines in 2 files changed: 118 ins; 0 del; 3 mod
   Fetch: git fetch pull/16546/head:pull/16546



As I promised, here are my reasons for choosing the tolerant solution.
But first a short description what my PR is about.

An "interrupted running status" means:
- In a MIDI file a running status is active
- The next event is a Meta or SysEx event
- The next event does not contain a status byte

Files with "interrupted running status" are not parsed correctly.

Possible solutions:
- Strict solution: Throw an InvalidMidiDataException whenever
  an interrupted running status is found
- Tolerant soution: Use the status byte of the last channel
  event with a status byte

Here are 4 reasons for choosing the tolerant solution, sorted from weak to strong:

Reason 1:

The SMFParser is very tolerant against even worse violations (e.g. data bytes greater than 0x7F, meta data with wrong length and so on) So I think it is in the spirit of the parser to also allow this minor violation. I think that interrupted running status is only a "minor" violation because there is only one sentence in the specification with this assumption. And because there is hardly any other possible interpretation that could make sense.

Reason 2:

I tried out a minimal file with interrupted running status with several other applications. The following ones interpret the file like suggested by the tolerant solution:

- timidity
- Rosegarden
- Musescore3
- aplaymidi
- Audacious
- midicsv
- JZZ.midi.SMF.js (JZZ.js)
- VLC (with fluidsynth plugin)

The following tools behave differently:

- Pipewire's pw-mididump
  reacts with a segmentation fault
- fluidsynth -a alsa -m alsa_seq -l -i testfile.mid
  Doesn't play the file but returns a successful exit code.
  No error message.
- pmidi
  Error (Meta event 60 not implemented\nUnexpected end of file)

That's 8:3.
And I don't think that the behavior of the 3 is desirable.

Reason 3:

I downloaded a large archive with more than 169.000 MIDI files and did a lot of analyses and tests.
First without the bugfix and then with the bugfix.
The results can be summarized like this:

- 1.1% of all MIDI files fail to be loaded by SMFParser (for ANY reason)
- 0.43% of all MIDI files contain interrupted running status
  (maybe some more that have a different problem before the first
  IRS occurs)
- From the files with IRS
  - before the bugfix:
    - 15.67% can be parsed without exception
             (but with incorrectly interpreted data)
    - 69.9% fail with InvalidMidiDataException
    - 14.42% fail with EOFException
  - after the bugfix:
    - 94.2% can be parsed without exception
    - 5.4% fail with InvalidMidiDataException
    - 0.4% fail with EOFException
- The bugfix fixes exceptions for:
  - 78.5% of files with interrupted running status
  - 30.25% of ALL failing MIDI files in general !!!!!
- The bugfix doesn't change anything to any MIDI file without
  interrupted running status


169457 files are in the archive.
721 contain interrupted running status. (I copied them to a different folder to be able to analyze them separately.)

Statistics from (only) the 721 files with interrupted running status:
- before the fix:
  - all:                      721
  - success:                  113
  - InvalidMidiDataException: 504
  - EOFException:             104
- after the fix:
  - all:                      721
  - success:                  679
  - InvalidMidiDataException:  39
  - EOFException:               3

Statistics from ALL files before and after the fix:
- before the fix:
  - all:                       169457
  - success:                   167586
  - fail:                        1871
    - InvalidMidiDataException:  1606
    - EOFException:               265
- after the fix:
  - all:                       169457
  - success:                   168152
  - fail:                        1305
    - InvalidMidiDataException:  1141
    - EOFException:               164

Reason 4:

In a different branch of the JDK I added my bugfix and also a lot of debug information to print out several events before and after every interrupted running status. I tested this against the 721 files with IRS. The result was more than 8000 occurrences of IRS, and I looked at each of them!
The vast majority of these occurrences shows very clearly that the data makes absolute sense.

However a few of them (maybe 20-30) made no sense at all or were at least "suspicious".
So I looked at these remaining files with a hex editor.
In most cases there was a meta message with an incorrect length field or something similar, so that the following bytes were interpreted incorrectly.


After this investigation I'm very confident that the tolerant solution is the best. And isn't it pretty cool to fix 30% of all exceptions with such a simple fix?

Best regards
Jan Trukenmüller
(Github user: truj)

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