On Mon, 8 Jul 2024 13:12:33 GMT, Abhishek Kumar <abhis...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Abhishek Kumar has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>   wild import expand. SynthGraphicsUtils revert back
> Adding a brief details for the changes in PR as it got multiple commits and 
> will be hard to track those changes.
> Initial proposed fix was to handle the **mnemonic show/hide on Alt press for 
> GTK in Synth based classes** where
> - `SynthLookAndFeel` class installed the AltProcessor handler after the 
> conditional check of current L&F is GTK. public APIs `setMnemonicHidden and 
> isMnemonicHidden` were added as part of fix.
> - `SynthRootPaneUI` class is having the AltProcessor class to handle the 
> press and release of ALT key press.
> - `SynthGraphicsUtils` class is responsible for rendering the mnemonics based 
> on the `show/hide status of isMnemonicHidden flag` for GTK L&F.
> @prrace suggested that checking for GTK L&F is not an ideal way of 
> implementation and we should look for other alternative mentioned 
> [here](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/18992#discussion_r1595782003).
> Based on the suggestion, `AltPressProperty` was added in `GTKLookAndFeel` to 
> ensure the ALT key press event is handled only for GTK and thus moving the 
> installation / uninstallation of ALTProcessor handler code in SynthRootPaneUI 
> class.
> **This fix required a CSR because of few public APIs which were added as a 
> part of fix.**
> Later on @aivanov-jdk suggested to move the **public APIs in a separate class 
> MnemonicHandler (under sun.swing package) as the code was duplicated among 
> Windows/Mac/Linux OSes** and a separate `AltProcessor class to handle the Alt 
> key press/release for GTK and Aqua L&F` (same logic was implemented for 
> them), Windows is having it's own version of AltProcessor.
> Current implementation details are:
> - Duplicate code removed, helper methods are moved to one common file 
> (MnemonicHandler.java)
> - Common AltProcessor handler class for GTK and Aqua (AltProcessor.java)
> - Refactoring code for Windows and Aqua to access the helper methods from 
> MnemonicHandler class and remove unused code.
> - Mnemonic hidden condition check moved to `GTKGraphicsUtils` so that only 
> GTK L&F will call `isMnemonicHidden` to avoid the performance issue. 
> - No need of CSR as [sun.swing package is not 
> public](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/18992#discussion_r1654417685)
> **The fix is extended for Labels and Buttons as well along with Menus for GTK 
> L&F.**
> Further the wild imports were expanded wherever applicable.
> Automated test enhanced to test menu mnemonic behavior for Aqua L&F also. Few 
> existing regression tests also modified to access the helper methods from 
> MnemonicHandler class.

> > @kumarabhi006 Setting summary to:
> It's not what I meant. This summary will be included in the commit message, 
> its purpose is to provide additional details of the changeset.
> Something like this should be enough:
> ```
> Hides mnemonics on menus, buttons, and labels for GTK L&F.
> Moved shared code for hiding mnemonics into
> sun/swing/MnemonicHandler and AltProcessor to avoid code duplication.
> ```

oh ok.. I misunderstood that. Updated now.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18992#issuecomment-2214223498

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