On Sep 16, 2008, at 1:06 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:

> On Sep 16, 11:12 am, Matt Revelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Rich,
>> Should I send in a CA and add ancestry verification and error  
>> handling
>> or is this an unacceptable change?
> I'm amenable to the idea, but I haven't looked at the specifics,
> holding off on changes pre-release. Please do send in a CA if you
> intend to submit patches. I wonder why specifying the ancestor class
> should be necessary, isn't it just a matter of finding the field in
> the hierarchy?
> Thanks,
> Rich

Specifying the ancestor class isn't necessary, I was unsure if  
searching the class hierarchy would be appropriate when defining a  
class.  After thinking about it more, seems fine.  I'll go ahead and  
send in a CA and submit a new patch.


>> On Sep 15, 12:22 am, Matt Revelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I modifed clojure/genclass to support adding exposer methods for
>>> protected fields in classes higher up the hierarchy than the
>>> superclass.  Interfaces should also be supported too.
>>> The patch can be found 
>>> here:http://clojure.googlegroups.com/web/genclass_exposers.diff
>>> An example with the new syntax:
>>> (gen-and-load-class 'motive.visual.TestSimpleGame
>>>                     :extends com.jme.app.SimpleGame
>>>                     :exposes '{[com.jme.app.BaseSimpleGame rootNode]
>>> {:get getRootNode :set setRootNode}})
>>> The original exposes format is supported too, which defaults to the
>>> superclass.  There's currently no check done to verify that the  
>>> class/
>>> interface specified as the home of the field is a part of the
>>> hierarchy of the new class.  I'll likely add that and clean things  
>>> up
>>> a bit after I get some sleep and feedback.
>>> -Matt
> >

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