I use eclipse daily at work so I'm pretty used to it, would be very
nice with a clojure plugin.
Are you taking feature requests?
If you are, here is mine:

I like a good IDE as much as anyone but so far I have been using emacs
with Jeffrey Chu's clojure-mode (http://clojure.codestuffs.com/).
Coming from a VS/eclipse background I feel comfortable with a full IDE
but I have discovered something about most IDE's when I have been
using emacs.
While they do a good job of integrating stuff, their editors actually
suck, at least in their default configurations.

So I humbly submit a request to you to try to make the editor have the
same features as the clojure paredit mode, at least as an option one
can enable. What I really like about it is that it is sexp-aware, it
will help you balance parens and brackets by inserting pairs
automatically and prevent you from deleting non empty expressions.
There are also keyboard commands for "expanding" or "shrinking" an
expression to include/exclude symbols or expressions around it/inside
it while automatically preserving correct indentation. Plus of course
the standard stuff like keyboard commands for eval last expr, eval
buffer, eval region (selection) etc. that really helps with
interactive development.

As much as I like the whole IDE idea, I am starting to get so used to
the fantastic editor that emacs is when properly configured that I get
a little annoyed writing java in eclipse at work because it doesn't
really offer much more than syntax highlightning and inserting some
brackets (yes code completion is great and all but not really an
editor feature in the sense I mean here).

To sum up a very wordy post: if you could make the editor as good as
the emacs mode, that would be awesome!


On Oct 14, 4:49 am, Casey Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I humbly present my first steps toward an Clojure Eclipse plugin
> (http://code.google.com/p/clojure-dev/).  So far, here's where its at:
> * Clojure nature, project type and builder (which doesn't do much
> yet).
> * Added a Clojure REPL to the console.  You can open it with the "New
> Console" button on the console view.
> * When editing a *.clj file, you can run the current file, which will
> get loaded into the REPL console.
> The REPL console has direct access to the Eclipse runtime and should
> be able to manipulate the workbench.  That's right.. its an Eclipse
> minibuffer!
> Some background on clojure-dev... for some reason, I had to add a
> Class.forName("clojure.lang.RT") in my Clojure OSGi bundle's start().
> Otherwise I was not able to run Clojure within Equinox -- I believe it
> was a Compiler.loadFile issue on the core Clojure files.  I originally
> tried basing my plugin on the DLTK without much luck -- the DLTK does
> not seem very relevant to targeting the JVM, its more like something
> you'd use for an out-of-process scripting language environment.  I'm
> going to go my own way and hook into the JDT where I have to.  I'm
> looking at CUSP, PyDev, and Scala SDT for inspiration.
> My next steps are to focus on Clojure language support and better JDT
> integration (classpath, etc.).  Deployment and tooling is a big deal
> to me, I think they're essential to being productive with the Java
> platform -- even if the Clojure language is more productive, the Java
> batteries included still require a lot of typing!
> I know the Eclipse platform pretty well but from an Equinox & RCP
> background.  I'm new to IDE development, so this is quite a learning
> experience!
> Cheers,
> Casey
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